Home > Conventions > SDCC 09 – JSI 1:18 scale F-14! (Part 1)
The upcoming 1:18 scale F-14 by JSI is one of the holy grails for 1:18 scale collectors, and I almost missed seeing it at SDCC 09!

SDCC 09 – JSI 1:18 scale F-14! (Part 1)

f14-04Merit was giving out the spec sheet for the JSI F-14, it included most of the details from JSI’s website, which we have already seen.

A few new nuggets of into I got from the booth though, the retail price is strongly suggested to be $230, but they are pushing for $200 if at all possible. $200 would be a much “easier price to swallow” for American consumers, since the shipping on this plane is going to be expensive.

f14-11Secondly, this plane is going to be here by October 2009. Possibly even September 2009. This was straight from the Merit, represenative and he was very confident in this statement.

Merit is also pushing to get JSI to ship these to America in 1-per-case cartons, as to ease the shipping problems with retailers and consumers, as these are going to be LARGE boxes. Unfortunately thats the one big downside of these large 1:18 scale items.

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About Paul Ernst

CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Forum Admin, All around "great" person. I've been doing this for over 10 years now!


  1. Awesome news!!! Thank you for the scoop.

    Can you ask Merit what they think about getting JSI to roll out a 1/18 A-10 Warthog?


  3. Thanks for the great info! Do they plan to do at least a couple repaints of Tomcat?

  4. Holy shinola!

    Glad that I ordered 2 of these!

    God Bless President Reagan!!!!!!!!


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