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X Review: Roadblock

X Review: Roadblock

Today I’m bringing you “Battle-Kata” Roadblock. A figure, which despite the gimmick, is surprisingly solid. This one just seems to have that all-around level of badass that you’d expect not only from a modern-day Roadblock character, but also by the man portraying him in the film, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. This figure makes up for the lackluster performance of his Wave 1 counterparts. In the comparison picture below, you can already see major differences, and that this new Roadblock outshines the other.

Move on through the following pages to see why!


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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

One comment

  1. Can’t wait to rip those stupid sheaths off his vest and add some mag pouchs, same goes for the sidearm holsters. Off with those and on with a Desert Eagle set up. Looks solid and thanks for the review PCS. Anyone try putting other head sculpts on the figure to see if he can have a suitable cohesive looking teamate?

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