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X Review: Avengers Assemble Hawkeye

X Review: Avengers Assemble Hawkeye


Hawkeye is molded in black primarily, with a much brighter application of purple, some silver, and painted sleeves on his shoulders. Beyond that, there’s very little different between him and his predecessor. To be honest, he’s shorted some in the detail department. Where they paid attention to small details like zippers and buckles on the first version, here they just seem to have said ‘Fuck it!’.


He comes with his PHOENIX BOW, one launcher, and three missiles cast in translucent blue. I suppose that’s all he needs considering he’s an archer. But the launcher and missiles(arrows) are ridiculous. Also, what the hell is this Phoenix Bow nonsense? It’s the same damned bow from the first version, and there’s no explanation for why it’s special.

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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