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Ages 25 and Up Rewind #5

Ages 25 and Up Rewind #5

A Real American Teamup parts 1-10 (#59-#63, #65-#67, #69-#70)

Before I give my thoughts on this classic, lets get the low down from 1337W422102:

“#59 started one of the best-received stories I’ve ever done in the comic’s history. “A Real American Teamup” had a satirical reformulation of Captain America joining the Joes to defend Freedom & Liberty. This particular Cap has his head firmly stuck in a stylistic idealized Golden-Age 1950s America that never actually existed. I wanted to emphasize the anachronistic nature of the character by having him frequently voice his backwards, unacceptable opinions.”

Before we begin this wonderful time warp, I must say that when I came up with this idea to do these classic rewinds, this is the story that first came to mind. This is hands down my all time favorite story in the A25U universe and Numbers portrayal of Captain America is full of win. When working with Numbers on this feature, he gave so much detail that I don’t even need to add my opinions for this editorial.

I will keep my commentary brief in this rewind for a few reasons including what I just mentioned above. First of all this story is LONG. So long in fact that Numbers took two breaks during the storyline. Second of all, this story is my personal favorite and I have trouble not sounding like a fanboy. Which can be said for most of these rewinds anyway 🙂

Continue reading for my thoughts on the story, some more details from Numbers and of course the Comics! Click Here

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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

One comment

  1. Shucks, fellas…!

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