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Ages 25 and Up Rewind #5

Ages 25 and Up Rewind #5

File #61 Part 3:


File #62 Part 4:


Lets hear from Numbers on part 3 and 4:

“#61 was a stab at that whole “civil war” clustersuck Marvel rammed down everyone’s throat not too long ago. Not long enough, I’d say.

Around this time, I was challenged by a friend of mine. He gave me that knockoff-tier Captain America Transformer and prompted me to find a way to fit it into the comic. So in #62, I introduced the Americar, seen in the last panel. I had greater plans for it, but we wouldn’t find out that vehicle’s full potential until #223.”

#63 Part 5:


More knowledge from Numbers:

#63 just pushed the story along, showing how the characters from #59 were important. The final panel was a topical Halloween message, albeit one warranting a bit of an explanation. Before I’d started making Ages 25 & Up, I used to do stop-motion shorts, some of which are still up on Youtube. My first one involved stikfas battling to don’t fear the reaper, and the panel itself is a still from that animation. It might still be available on Youtube, depending on your region, copyright shenanigans permitting. It’s far from my best work, so if crude animations featuring Joes is your back, you might prefer A25U #100 and #200 instead. #200 even had three limited animated teaser trailers.”

#64 is a filler strip and isn’t part of the story however I decided to add it to this feature for some selfish reasons. First of all the comic features “me” and second of all Numbers said some nice things about me. Egotistical I know. Enjoy the strip:

64_-_qa10Thoughts from Numbers on #64:

“A Real American Teamup took a break for #64, which was a comic version of the tenth Q&A. Back then, Monkeywrench used gather up questions from around the Joe boards and I’d answer/avoid them as best as I could. He’s the force behind these here A25U Rewind retrospectives and one of the first, most dedicated members of the comic’s community. We wouldn’t be here without him!”

Continue the rest of the story Here

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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

One comment

  1. Shucks, fellas…!

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