Home > Conventions > SDCC 09 – JSI 1:18 scale F-14! (Part 1)
The upcoming 1:18 scale F-14 by JSI is one of the holy grails for 1:18 scale collectors, and I almost missed seeing it at SDCC 09!

SDCC 09 – JSI 1:18 scale F-14! (Part 1)

f14-15One of the cool features that the Merit guys were displaying was the new landing gear system that was developed for the F-14.

It has an internal spring and moving levers to help with load balancing and to increase reliability.

Playing around with the landing gears, they are pretty tough and look to be able to withstand the enormous weight of the F-14. Very nicely designed.

f14-16JSI looks to be going all-out with the F-14, and hopefully they will manage to knock this model “out of the park” and give us 1:18 collectors something we’ve been wanting for ages.

There was no immediate news on the F-15 or the SU-27, and they are truly just as the development stages right now. Hopefully if the F-14 does well they will fast track the rest of the jets for release! I know we’d all love some aggressor planes for our F-14 to shoot down…

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About Paul Ernst

CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Forum Admin, All around "great" person. I've been doing this for over 10 years now!


  1. Awesome news!!! Thank you for the scoop.

    Can you ask Merit what they think about getting JSI to roll out a 1/18 A-10 Warthog?


  3. Thanks for the great info! Do they plan to do at least a couple repaints of Tomcat?

  4. Holy shinola!

    Glad that I ordered 2 of these!

    God Bless President Reagan!!!!!!!!


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