Home > Conventions > SDCC 09 – JSI 1:18 scale F-14! (Part 1)
The upcoming 1:18 scale F-14 by JSI is one of the holy grails for 1:18 scale collectors, and I almost missed seeing it at SDCC 09!

SDCC 09 – JSI 1:18 scale F-14! (Part 1)

f14-12As it was previously reported, this model was damaged in transit from China, and Merit had to superglue the nosecone on. On the final model, you will be able to swing the nosecone up and access a fully painted and detailed radar assembly. A nice touch that they didn’t need to include!

I am really looking forward to seeing all the little details that they are going to incorporate into the final version of the F-14.

f14-13Merit mentioned that they would also be showing off the plane at a convention in Chicago that is coming up. They said if JSI gets them a more finished model by then they would use that one as a display.

Even with the damage, the plane was still impressive.. and so.. damn.. BIG! It’s going to take up a lot of space, so prepare accordingly!

According to the specs, the F-14 is going to size up at: 84x56x25.5 cm’s.

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About Paul Ernst

CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Forum Admin, All around "great" person. I've been doing this for over 10 years now!


  1. Awesome news!!! Thank you for the scoop.

    Can you ask Merit what they think about getting JSI to roll out a 1/18 A-10 Warthog?


  3. Thanks for the great info! Do they plan to do at least a couple repaints of Tomcat?

  4. Holy shinola!

    Glad that I ordered 2 of these!

    God Bless President Reagan!!!!!!!!


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