Home > News > Toys R Us Sightings! 09.03.09
I guess it has become a weekly ritual to check my local Toys R Us on Thursday mornings for new products! They get their shipments on Thursdays and Saturdays out here in California!

Toys R Us Sightings! 09.03.09

newtru01I guess it has become a weekly ritual to check my local Toys R Us on Thursday mornings for new products! They get their shipments on Thursdays and Saturdays out here in California.

Since they took down the G.I. Joe main feature a week and a half ago here, I wondered where all the Joes went. They only had 2 pegs worth in the Joe isle. Today they put out a full half-endcap in the middle of the main isle filled with Joes.

newtru02I was very surprised to see a Charbroil staring back at me! When I dug a little further in I found the complete Collection 1, Wave 4. This includes Charbroil, Kamakura, Red Fang Ninja, Nano-Viper and the cool Night Adder figure.

I was doubly surprised to also find the White-coat “Doctor Rex” Variant and the no-mask “Arctic Storm Shadow” variant as well. There were also some Para-Vipers, but I had to pass on them this time.

newtru03I really like the Charbroil figure in person, and am LOVING the White-coat doctor. I passed on the Nano-Vipers, as they still have the terrible, TERRIBLE, turtle heads.. and passed on the Red Fang Ninjas and Kamakura as I don’t have any need for ninjas in this mans Army. The Night Adder SEEMS cool, but I’ll reserve judgment until I can open it up and check it out. I am not crazy about the headsculpt/mask… but we’ll see what can be done with that.

newtru04Finally, the unmasked Storm Shadow variant is … okay. I only got it because it was ‘different’ as I dont generally like the overall look of the figure. To each their own!

Until next sighting.. I’ll see you later, and don’t forget to join us on our Forums! Fighting 1:18th’s Forums

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About Paul Ernst

CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Forum Admin, All around "great" person. I've been doing this for over 10 years now!


  1. Excellent photos and analysis as always, bud.

    I am very happy to see these are finally out there.

    Glad to see that you left Vegetable Viper hanging!

    Shows that you still retain your common sense in the midst of this ROC madness!

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