Home > Conventions > The Fighting 1:18th is heading to SDCC!
From near and slightly less-near (Encino and Tahoe respectively), the Fighting 1:18th crew is getting ready to head to the San Diego Comic Convention 2011!

The Fighting 1:18th is heading to SDCC!

From near and slightly less-near (Encino and Tahoe respectively), the Fighting 1:18th crew is getting ready to head to the San Diego Comic Convention 2011!

Hopefully we will be able to bring you some great news and pictures from the showroom floor as well as the panels if we managed to make it into them!

I (NSA!) am once again leading the charge down to San Diego, and will be headed to “Preview Night” tomorrow, and the rest of the convention throughout the week. I promise to get as much info as I can, and to drink as much as I can while doing so! For the first time, I have *ACTUAL* help at the convention! Our own Goderator MAJOR BLOOD will be meeting me there to help cover all-things 1:18th that manage to show up at the convention. Surely with twice the manpower we will be unstoppable..

We hope to cover the Hasbro booth in-depth, from G.I. Joe to Star Wars, and anything else 1:18th that we see. Merit, Intl. is listed as having a booth again this year, so hopefully Tony will be able to give us all some cheery 1:18th scale news.. as we all know the Hobby needs it right now! (They had the JSI “Black Knights” F-14A on sale last year at the Con). Maybe even Mattel or another company will surprise up with some useful 1:18th scale products..

Be sure to check our forums, as we will be “Liveblogging” in them throughout the convention from our phones, with regular updates coming each evening/night.

If you’re going to BE at SDCC, be sure to let us know so we can say “Hi!”

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About Paul Ernst

CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Forum Admin, All around "great" person. I've been doing this for over 10 years now!

One comment

  1. Live-blogging. Psh, next will be “The Twitters.”

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