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SDCC 2013 Passes

SDCC 2013 Passes

SDCC_logoIt is getting close to that time of year again! Comic con.  Where else can you see Tony Starks, giant Lego statues, the newest video games and people hug the Ice King all in the same day? If you have never been to San Diego Comic Con it is a blast.  Although difficult to score tickets, it does not hurt to try.  Anyone who has the opportunity to go to the show I would suggest doing so.  Besides being a great event, it is in a fun city.

“Do you have the persistence of Superman? The patience of a Watcher? The ingenuity of Tony Stark? The determination of Batman?  If so, then you are ready for Comic-Con International 2013 Open Online Registration! Badge sales will begin at 9:00 AM Pacific Time (PT) on Saturday February 16, 2013. For more information and details regarding eligibility, we strongly recommend you visit http://www.comic-con.org/cci/2013-badge-purchase

Good luck to those who are trying for tickets.  This event does sell out very fast so be sure to set some free time to the side in order to attempt to get them.  If you do go just remember, sleep is optional.

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About Anthony Spatucci

I was brought into collecting when the GI Joe 25th anniversary came out. After dealing with repaints and sub par vehicles I started searching around for something a little better. A friend turned me onto the fighting 118th and I started moving towards a more realistic "verse" for my figures. After seeing a few dioramas from members on the site I got the bug for them. There is a certain quality of person that contributes to the site and that is what has kept me coming back. Everyone is honest about what your work can have better and really helps you to get the best out of yourself. I am MAJOR BLOOD on the site.


  1. Passes.. check!

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