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X Review: 10 in 10!

X Review: 10 in 10!

In an effort to catch up on all the Retaliation figure reviews, I’ve decided to plow through a few quickly to prepare myself for the release of the new Wave 3, with all the “Ultimate” releases. So, for the next ten days, I’ll be posting a review a day on some of the best and worst Retaliation figures out of Wave 1. We’re not looking for any gems, but who knows. Maybe we’ll actually find one or two!

Here’s the bonus; After these reviews, these figures will be going to Monkeywrench to be used as prizes for upcoming Officers contests and giveaways! While some aren’t great figures, can you really turn down free stuff?! I knew you couldn’t!

So, hold onto your pants, folks! Tomorrow, we get started!


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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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