First off, Morgan Freeman can play any role. He is a spectacular president, well acting president. He gets the job due to events in the movie. The man can do it all and this movie is no different. He is very believable in a movie that was not believable at all.
Now just because I did not believe this movie has any shred of a chance of every happening does not take away from the fact I thought it was really fun. Butler brings the action and the pain.
The movie starts out with Butler as a secret service agent guarding the president. While traveling in the snow they have an accident and Butler is given the choice of saving the president (Eckhart) or saving his wife. He chose the president. The movie than jumps forward to present day for the plot to unfold.
The terrorists (North Koreans) take the White House via air and land. They fly a giant plane into Washington DC and pretty much mow everything down. While everyone is worried about them, terrorists storm the White House dressed as pedestrians. We get a great suicide bomber scene here. The terrorists take the White House along with the president and his cabinet. They did have some inside help as well.
The whole point of the takeover is to gain access to the Weapons Defense System Cerberus’s satellite codes and have a US withdraw from Korea. A perfect plot for Cobra.
From this point the movie follows the path of Butler as he alone tries to save the president from within along with the presidents son.
I really enjoyed this movie. If you want action, explosions, blood, and death. Watch it. The plot is fun even if it is not believable. I give this movie a solid 8 stars and plan to watch it again. This time Louder.
Thanks for reading another of Meddatron’s Eye Saw it Movie Reviews. Eye will see you later.