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Comics: Hawkeye Vol. 1

Comics: Hawkeye Vol. 1

Hawkeye, volume 1: My Life as a Weapon

Written by Matt Fraction, art by David Aja, Javier Pulido and Alan Davis, published by Marvel Comics

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Hawkeye, volume 1: My Life as a Weapon reprints Hawkeye vol. 4 1-5 and Young Avengers Presents #6.

If only there was some kind of infographic that would tell us everything we need to know…

Oh, there you go.


The art chores on the first three issues are handled by David Aja, whose layouts and art are fantastic.

Javier Pulido does the art for issues 4 & 5, where Hawkeye is trying to recover the tape. While I liked Aja’s better, his works equally well.

Alan Davis is the artist on Young Avengers Presents #6, the last book collected here. Davis is a master artist and storyteller; I’ve never seen anything by him that wasn’t pretty.

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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