Home > 1:18 Scale Reviews > McFarlane Toys > K-T Review: TWD Gas Mask Zombie
K-T Review: TWD Gas Mask Zombie

K-T Review: TWD Gas Mask Zombie


I’ve been flirting with getting into this line for a little while now. I’m a fan of property, initially with the show, but then the comic as well. Now I’ve decided to give the figures a shot. Today I’m casting my hyper-critical eye upon the Gas Mask Riot Gear Zombie, henceforth to be called Cincinnati Slim, from series 4 of the show-based line.

I’m just gonna come out and say it, I hate the fucking size of these things. McFarlane’s compulsion to do his own thing means these are in a scale virtually untouched for at least the last decade. If you’re a long time 1:12 collector they won’t fit in with the lion’s share of your McFarlane figures, none of your NECA, Mezco, or SOTA figures, either. They won’t work with Marvel Legends, or any of the DC figures. They also won’t fit in with 1:18 figures, who are on the back half of a second golden age. What they WILL fit in with are McF’s Halo and Guitar Hero stuff. Oh, and those X-Men figures you had as a kid.

That nigh-crippling flaw aside, he was a figure I had to have once it’s existence was made known to me.

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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