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X Review: Avengers Assemble Hawkeye

X Review: Avengers Assemble Hawkeye


The sculpt is, still, fairly strong. Straps and buckles and creases and folds — they’re still all there. But as strong as the sculpt is, it does nothing to help the flaws that make its articulation so poor. As Avengers Assemble is a cartoon series, and assuming they did not want to keep up with actor’s likenesses for the show, they opted for new heads on these figures. Hawkeye is no exception. There is some similarity to the Jeremy Renner Hawkeye, but enough difference to keep them separate. Along with the changed head, there is a different quiver on his back, which I think I like better than the original one.


As nice as I find the sculpt, still, it suffers the same problems with articulation that it has in the past. You only get the head, shoulders, elbows, good ball hips, thigh swivel, and ball knees. Posing with the bow is awkward, and what good is a figure with a bow if you can’t pose them WITH it?

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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