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X Review: Avengers Assemble Hawkeye

X Review: Avengers Assemble Hawkeye


Here we have the Avengers Assemble packaging. Much like I said in the Thor: The Dark World reviews, it’s not anything special, but I like it for what it has, and the simplicity. Hawkeye and his accessories are well-protected in the blister on the front. On the back there’s a couple pictures of other figures in the line, and Mr. Barton in ACTION POSE! You can tell that it’s a half-assed pose. I’m sure the photographer got tired of messing with it. “Close enough!”

There’s no blurb about Hawkeye. Just some nonsense about SHIELD Gear, etc. They really could have skipped it, and it might have been an improvement.

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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