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Update  Fighting 118th Exclusive action figure

Update Fighting 118th Exclusive action figure

Hello again. We have the final details for the exclusive Fighting 118th action figure. How to order them and when they go on sale has been answered. But before we get to that. let’s set the mood again.

Cobra Commander has been located at last! He’s been holding our forces hostage and is demanding a ransom of per soldier! Only YOU* can save our armed forces from the grasp of CCCCOOOBBBRRRAAAAAA!

* YOU and everyone else.

On the good side, Cobra Commander had the foresight to bag up all our troopers gear and equipment ahead of time, and will be sending it all back with the soldier once he is ransomed. On the bad side, it looks like COBRA’s filing clerks were a little overzealous and disassembled the troopers as well.

Never fear! We have top men (TOP MEN!) working around the clock to provide you with step-by-step instructions on getting the soldiers back in fighting shape!

Act today! These won’t last!

All the details are on the next page

F118th figure splash

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About Kirk Downie

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