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Ages 25 and Up Rewind #5

Ages 25 and Up Rewind #5

File #65 Part 6:


Captain America and the Joes easily defeat Cobra and Cap gives what might be the best line of the entire story arc: “Speak, opponent of Liberty, before I beat the communism right out of you”.  Check out some thoughts from Numbers:

“The action resumes in #65, when the Cap leads the Joes to a Cobra HISS Tank depot. The Cap then proceeds to gather up as much oil as he can, most likely under the guise of looking for weapons. That last panel is probably one of my favourite in the comic’s history. It think it beautifully captures the chaotic absurdity of the comic.”

File #66 Part 7:


File #67 Part 8:


Wow! So much to discuss! You don’t want to hear from me though, lets get some thoughts from Numbers:

“Naturally, I had to pay tribute to that unforgettable comic book cover in which Captain America punches Hitler in the face. To me, that sort of war propaganda vibe is inseparable from the Cap as a character, and to be fair, is crucial to the G.I. Joe brand as well. (Remember back when G.I. Joe was a character, not a team, and he captured Stalin in his war propaganda comics? And let’s not forget the Cold War’s influence on the A Real American Hero! era. I mean, geez, just look at that name.)

So in #66, Captain America punched the Cobra Commander’s face in, while shouting some one-liner that mentions both Freedom AND Liberty. In fact, the Cap’s punch was so hard, that the Commander would have to wear a helmet while his head healed.

Gambit and Deadpool appeared in #59 but finally come into play in #67. Using his mastery of thievery, Gambit was able to steal the Cap’s shield, just what the Baroness hired him to do in #63. And those yellow talk bubbles aren’t Clutch’s but Deadpool’s, who joins the fray in #69. I had to make #68 a filler comic, unfortunately, so I used to time to make fun of Serpentor, a character that has no reason to exist.”

I wasn’t featured in #68 so you guys don’t get to enjoy that filler comic. Check out the conclusion of the story Here

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About Tim Kraemer

Tim is a mook who likes to drink, play video games, and other stuff. He's Monkeywrench on our forums! Buy him a drink, friend for life!

One comment

  1. Shucks, fellas…!

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