Home > 1:18 Scale Reviews > REVIEW: Aliens Colonial Marines Xenomorph SOLDIER
REVIEW: Aliens Colonial Marines Xenomorph SOLDIER

REVIEW: Aliens Colonial Marines Xenomorph SOLDIER

The packaging is nice as it shows you exactly what you are getting.  There is a large window on the front to see everything that has been described so far.  On the back is a description of the figure that is inside.  When you take the figure out there is a protective plastic over the figure which makes it difficult to lose parts right away and also holds everything in place inside the box.  Once the figure is taken out there is  a Colonial Marines logo behind it.

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About Anthony Spatucci

I was brought into collecting when the GI Joe 25th anniversary came out. After dealing with repaints and sub par vehicles I started searching around for something a little better. A friend turned me onto the fighting 118th and I started moving towards a more realistic "verse" for my figures. After seeing a few dioramas from members on the site I got the bug for them. There is a certain quality of person that contributes to the site and that is what has kept me coming back. Everyone is honest about what your work can have better and really helps you to get the best out of yourself. I am MAJOR BLOOD on the site.

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