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Custom Figures

Members’ Custom Figures

Scratchbuilt 1:18 Prime by Keenan

  Now, I know there’s a few customizers out there who have tackled larger scale projects. I’m pretty sure there’s a transforming Optimus Rolling Thunder in joe scale. But what forum member Keenan has built is a 1:18th(perhaps 1:16th) masterpiece. It’s unfortunate that this beast does not transform, but that in no way takes away from the magnificence that has been created. It’s creations like this with something so large that you really get a true idea of the scale we enjoy. And hey, let’s be honest… who doesn’t want some Transformers scaled with our 1:18 figures and vehicles? I know I’d be happy as a clam to own something like this!   This beast is completely scratch built(minus some joints and the hands that came from donor fodder), and Keenan has put in many hours of work into what ... Read More »

Pre-Zombie Viper by Dark Horse

  Today, for your viewing pleasure, is forum member Dark Horse‘s vast imagination at work once more. Ever since they hit retailers and etailers alike, many of us have taken a deeper look at the Zombie Viper, trying to visualize it better within our respective worlds. And there have been some that have gone the extra leap, applying it to Shock Trooper, Viper, and regular Trooper bases. But, what about those poor green suited lads who’ve undergone the process? What might they look like? Dark Horse brought us that answer! The figure utilizes the Zombie Viper base, Cobra Trooper head and helmet, and 25th Comic Pack Duke’s arms and legs, which have a green hue that resembles the base body almost perfectly. Adding a pair of elastic straps to replace the broken ones on the harness, a dab of paint ... Read More »

MGS3 Snake by Marine Deadpool

Forum member Marine Deadpool delivers another knockout punch courtesy of his latest custom, MGS3 Snake! Now, I am mostly unfamiliar with the MGS series of games, but don’t tar and feather me just yet! After some research to find some in game images to make comparisons, it looks to me like Marine Deadpool has created a fairly accurate representation of the game character, and we’re glad that he’s decided to share this with us here at the Fighting 1:18th! “Here is my take on MGS3 Snake. I used a mix of Tamiya and Testors Model Masters Acrylics. The Tamiya was used for camo, Testors for flesh color.” The parts breakdown are as follows: – SDS Snake head with sculpted bandanna – 25th Viper/Mutt Torso – 25th Viper Upper arms – Resolute SE Lower arms and hands, sculpted modified gloves – ... Read More »

Tripwire EOD by Wry1

A lot of time and creativity goes into forum member Wry1’s customs and artwork, and Tripwire is no exception. What Wry1 has created and shared with us at the Fighting 118th, is a very realistic, modern military themed EOD expert that meshes perfectly with the more up-to-date collections and offerings out there at retail. The parts chosen are the perfect building blocks for the sculpting over top, turning this figure from what seems a complete mish-mash, into what I consider an artful masterpiece. The colors work well and seem to be spot on with what you’d expect out of a real-world EOD, successfully giving Tripwire a modern day representation, rather than the sorry 25th anniversary homage we got. Here is the before-sculpt recipe as stated by Wry1 himself: Helmet – Ace helmet turned backwards, Pit Commando face shield, various fodder, ... Read More »

Delta Operatives by Obi-Shinobi

Forum member Obi-Shinobi has done it again!  He recently shared his Delta Recon Operatives with the forum. This 4 man squad sports a very realistic vibe that resonates well with the Fighting118th.  The team was completed by using a wide variety of parts including the fan favorite Pursuit of Cobra Shock Trooper.  Obi-Shinobi has always been willing to share his fantastic customs and we can’t wait to see what he has planned next. Here is the Recipes: Heads – random masked styles Torsos – shock trooper Arms – ST and desert Duke/Ripcord Hands – ST and Ret SE Legs – ST and Dusty Weapons – modified Bravo, BBI, and Hasbro Helmets – Bravo Gear – ST vests with added various pouches, and Ret SE vest Packs – Bravo, BBI   You can enjoy individual photos of the team and the full gallery on Page ... Read More »

Tunnel Rat by Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife did it again! He not only made another fantastic figure but he made another Tunnel Rat.  Never satisfied with his first two attempts at creating the popular G.I.Joe figure that was first released all the way back in 1987,  the third time is the charm.  Cloud Strife is a member of the Intel Division and the lead Moderator for the Custom Section at Fighting118th.com.  He earned this title with his outstanding work as a customizer.  Here is a quote from Cloud: This is the 3rd Tunnel Rat I’ve worked on. The previous 2 were okay, but I agreed with the critiques I received regarding the last one I made. It took me awhile to figure out which pieces I was going to use, as I had decided to depart from his original design.  I wanted to keep certain elements a ... Read More »

Airtight by Rick

Officer member Rick is a staple of the Fighting118th.com.  He’s a constant inspiration with his fantastic diorama’s and custom soldiers.  Rick likes to take characters and modernize them to a real world aspect.  A perfect example of this is his Bio Combat Airtight which is based on the 30th Anniversary edition G.I.Joe figure.  Below is a quote from Rick: I painted with Tamiya Dark Yellow, Black wash and brown dry brush.  I left the connection thing on the shoulder that always seems to rub paint off the natural yellow. Figured, why fight it, it can be an indication of a bio grade suit. You can discuss Rick’s custom Airtight Here Also make sure to check out Page 2 for a Full Gallery on Airtight as well as some of Rick’s other figures.   Read More »

Spartan Joe by Obi-Shinobi

Forum Member Obi-Shinobi recently shared his custom “Spartan” Joe with us.  Obi-Shinobi is well respected in the 1:18th customizing community and he’s known for his non military customs on Fighting118th.  He surprised us with his Halo inspired soldier.  As forum members were trying to figure out the recipe,  Obi graciously shared the wide variety of parts used to make this fantastic custom. Head – Ret Joe trooper Torso – Slayer “Mech Hunter” Upper arms – Roc accelerator Lower arms – SW Republic Commando Hands – Roc accelerator Upper legs – Roc accelerator Lower legs – IM2 War Machine (knee pads removed) Chest rig – Ret Zartan gear (trimmed) Front pouches – Bravo Team Back grenades – Ret Cobra trooper gear (trimmed) Assault rifle – Ret Joe trooper (modified with Marauder scope, and some SW blast effect)   Visit Here to discuss Obi-Shinboi’s custom Spartan ... Read More »

Cover Girl in Coveralls by Fled74

Forum Officer Fled74 recently shared his custom Cover Girl in coveralls with us and also took the time to answer a few questions about how he got into collecting and customizing: Q.  What got you into collecting 1:18 scale figures and vehicles, and how long have you been collecting them? A. I had a few ARAH Joes when I was 10 or so (in 1984), and it didn’t take long for me to start swapping their body parts around. I outgrew them (or so I thought) a few years later, only to rediscover them in 2003 when I picked up a few Valor Vs Venom figures at TRU. I noted the improved sculpting, but I still found them lacking (mainly the articulation and body proportions). Thanks to Australian retailers, we never got the 25th Anniversary line. It wasn’t until I ... Read More »