Incoming intel...
"As of 1700hrs today, a highly secretive Spec-Ops team hitching a ride on a cargo plane loaded with medical aid and food, was shot down over hostile territory.
The cargo plane crashed in a heavily wooded area, just outside a local militia contolled region. Latest satellite surveillance indicates that the Spec-Ops team survived the crash, and have activated their homing beacons.
Local hostiles are patrolling the crash site and perimeter with several technicals, along with a large foot mobile force.
The Spec-Ops team is currently evading enemy contact, but will quickly be cornered and/or overrun.
"Task Force Delta" is in immediate prep stage for search and rescue, with a very limited window for success. Remember... no one gets left behind. Good luck, men."
Mission Parameters:
- Blackhawk night insertion
- Locate Spec-Ops team, using friendly beacons
- Escort to designated exfil for immediate evac
- Eliminate any enemy personnel of opportunity
Create a new and original custom 1:18 scale figure best suited for this operation. (important details are in the story!)
Contest runs 6/13 thru 6/27 (2 weeks!)
2 picture minimum (front and back, 600x600 max, no larger).
Optional 3rd "action shot" (dio pieces are ok).
Contestants may discuss contest or ideas, but no pix (WIPs, etc) are to be shown until the winners are announced. Violators will be disqualified. Entry pix must be PM'd to Obi or Daremo by 12am EST 6/28.
1 entry allowed per current member as of this posting.
1st place entry will receive custom S.O.A.R. cast head, and 1 set of additional limited custom cast heads/weapons/gear.
Runner-up will receive 1 set of cast heads/weapons/gear.
Obi and Daremo will choose 1st place and the Runner-up
This Op is extremely time sensitive!
Get moving, soldier!
"As of 1700hrs today, a highly secretive Spec-Ops team hitching a ride on a cargo plane loaded with medical aid and food, was shot down over hostile territory.
The cargo plane crashed in a heavily wooded area, just outside a local militia contolled region. Latest satellite surveillance indicates that the Spec-Ops team survived the crash, and have activated their homing beacons.
Local hostiles are patrolling the crash site and perimeter with several technicals, along with a large foot mobile force.
The Spec-Ops team is currently evading enemy contact, but will quickly be cornered and/or overrun.
"Task Force Delta" is in immediate prep stage for search and rescue, with a very limited window for success. Remember... no one gets left behind. Good luck, men."
Mission Parameters:
- Blackhawk night insertion
- Locate Spec-Ops team, using friendly beacons
- Escort to designated exfil for immediate evac
- Eliminate any enemy personnel of opportunity
Create a new and original custom 1:18 scale figure best suited for this operation. (important details are in the story!)
Contest runs 6/13 thru 6/27 (2 weeks!)
2 picture minimum (front and back, 600x600 max, no larger).
Optional 3rd "action shot" (dio pieces are ok).
Contestants may discuss contest or ideas, but no pix (WIPs, etc) are to be shown until the winners are announced. Violators will be disqualified. Entry pix must be PM'd to Obi or Daremo by 12am EST 6/28.
1 entry allowed per current member as of this posting.
1st place entry will receive custom S.O.A.R. cast head, and 1 set of additional limited custom cast heads/weapons/gear.
Runner-up will receive 1 set of cast heads/weapons/gear.
Obi and Daremo will choose 1st place and the Runner-up
This Op is extremely time sensitive!
Get moving, soldier!
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