The helmet is HUGE.
Eh I bet it's no bigger than a Joe helmet, besides his helmet was a little over sized in the movie too.
They need to do something useful, like the maschinenmensch from Metropolis. The 5 PoA wouldn't be too much of a detriment in its case.
I've been wanting a 4" figure of that robot since I saw the film.
Some of the Universal Monsters showed up at Wal-Mart. Grabbed the Bride, and am currently looking into female bucks to use as a base.
I was leaning towards one of the nude custom casts. The bandaging isn't hard to do, and I'll have an articulated figure to boot.
The issue is will any of them work with the head. It's on the large side.
Alien w3?!
Maybe we'll get Lambert and Dallas in spacesuits after all...or maybe they'll round out the crew with a regular Lambert, Parker and Brett!
In the desginers Q&A thread they strongly hinted at some other lines as well.
Wave 3 of Alien
Garbage Pail Kids