Those knees have got to go!
Anyone have any donor suggestions?
I was considering painting Leatherneck / RockBlock's legs black and paint the leg straps red.
Those knees have got to go!
Anyone have any donor suggestions?
That Destro needs some new legs...his knees are way too skinny.
That's part of the reason why I didn't like the Joe troopers from Retaliation.
Damn Destro is huge. Why are they making them so much bigger?
I got two Lady Jaye packs from Greg at Con. She's a nice figure. I mostly wanted her legs. I'll have to swap the feet though.
I saw that AFTER I got these. Still need feet for his casts.
Yup, shiny head Destro.
I don't think he bought it, just saw it in store.
Repackers should be beaten. Kid begs parents for new set for birthday. Parents have no clue what they looking at. Buy it, kids bday ruined. Damn asshat repackers.
I'm sure the idiot posted his custom on HT, too.
Ah, missed that detail.
Yeah, repackers are worse than just plain old thieves. Just fucking steal it, you jackoff, instead of going through all the horseshit to get a $8 figure for "free". What a twat. I'm sure the idiot posted his custom on HT, too.
Different hands though. Looking at it on my phone. Didn't notice that right away. Still think it is the same one.
Agreed that is a great custom. I have an HT account I'll call him out on itYep that person is clearly insane, as that honestly looks better than the real version to me.
Right. Wonder if Hisstank would punish. They are sponsor driven. I'm sure sponsors wouldn't like thieves.
What if the person who made it, sold it to someone else, and that person is the one who is a repacker? All I know is, someone in Lexington Kentucky is a repacker.
What if the person who made it, sold it to someone else, and that person is the one who is a repacker? All I know is, someone in Lexington Kentucky is a repacker.