I've been coming around a little more lately. I got fed up with some of the nut cases that were hanging around here for a while. Glad to see the site it still here.
Well, I'm pretty sure we're all nutcases depending on who you ask
And yeah, I'm at the point where I've invested so much time and capital into the hobby that I can't just walk away, but at the same time I don't really feel the compulsion to keep going either. I've gotten myself to the point where I haven't gotten anything new in a while, other than some cheap BBI figures last fall.
At the same time, I still think 1:18 military stuff is supercoolomgwtfbbq, and desire to own it all. Thankfully the general price barrier is keeping me from dipping back in.
We bought a small house, so there is zero place for me to put or display anything. That definitely contributes to my overall lack of enthusiasm at the moment. Everything is in boxes in the garage. Out of sight, out of mind takes over though.. and I start to care less and less about all this stuff I never use/look at. The nagging from the Mrs doesn't help either!
I still have dreams of making a massive diorama and taking cool pictures.. but the space+time+energy is just not looking like a reality these days, which is kind of depressing, but at the same time, it's just not really a passion of mine at the moment.
I calculated that in a typical 24-hour day (Monday-Friday) I get about 2-4 hours of 'me' time, from 8PM when the kids get settled until I go to bed. If I want to play video games, catch up on TV shows, etc.. it's during this time. Right now, sacrificing games & tv to play with my toys just doesn't seem appealing. I've vacillated back and forth in the past between hobbies.. so who knows.
My kids mostly don't care about any of them.. I'm sure the younger one (3) would play (and break them), but the older ones are too into video games now. Another downside of most 1:18.. it's not meant to be played with! Oof.