They're definitely not the greatest army builder figures out there. The helmet is too big, and falls off all the time. The arms have trouble getting a proper angle to hold the weapon, partly because the parts for the arms and torso don't go well together, partly because the bulky back pack straps block movement, and also because the ends of the gauntlets are not part of the hands, and block their swivel movement. They're more frustrating to work with than most other Cobra troops because they have all the problems that reek of frankenjoe part bashing.
None of this is helped by the fact that their aesthetic does not fit what you would expect of Cobra. If it were not for the fact that they wear a mask, you could easily mistake a Rock Viper with a GI Joe, and since several joes actually do wear masks such as balaclavas, there's very little indication they're Cobra. This of course is a fault of the original figure this attempts to recreate.
Perhaps it is a bit cliche, or cheesy to expect Cobra soldiers to always wear blue, black, or red, but the camo and equipment that come with this figure don't seem unique to Cobra. They could have at least slapped a different helmet and head, say like that of the 30th Cobra trooper or a Resolute trooper, or even the Renegades trooper (just paint the porn-stache on) in matching colors to the camo, and the distinct helmet and mask that covers just the nose and mouth would have been enough to solved the problem, or just use a 30th Viper helmet.
Either way, this figure is an oddity, it sticks out from Cobra ranks both visually and in the role of a mountain trooper. It use to be hard to buy multiples of due to scarcity in the wild and the fact that the figure just isn't good enough on it's own to justify buying on the after market (although loose examples on Ebay seem to be cheaper than most other cobra forces).