I'm curious to know what BBI is thinking with this release of the MLRS. I think the days of making a toy that could compromise realism and toyetic qualities to appeal to everyone has been done for a while. It honestly would have been worth it to bump the price up to thirty or forty dollars to make it more to scale and have real treads (those treads don't look functional to me at least), and no brick and mortar retailer has carried their stuff in a while (though brick and mortar may purely become a thing of the past for the toy industry).
If it's suppose to appeal predominately to kids and parents, why make an artillery vehicle like the MLRS? You'd think a armored fighting vehicle would be for suitable. I also suspect kids would get frustrated with not being able to jam those BBI figures inside the cab of the vehicle, they're just not flexible enough for such a cramped space. If the toy is suppose to appeal to adult collectors that have always wanted an MLRS, why not just make it to scale? I think some of the logic going into this may be antiquated.
Also, I'm not really hot for BBI's figures. The weapons are basically the best part about them, but the lack of articulation and the general ugliness of the figures makes me shy away from them. I will most likely pass on the 5 pack.
God I miss the old days . . . .