Lalala...Awesome! That lifeline is HOT! I am digging most of them.
yup man they nailed all of the classic guys and kwinn is awsome !!!!!!!!!!!
Lalala...Awesome! That lifeline is HOT! I am digging most of them.
Zombie Viper: Toxo-Zombie is on my ARAH shortlist of figures to reacquire, so i'm down for this thing like an inmate on a fat girl at a conjugal visit.
Law and Order: Armybuilder fuck yea. Plus dogs for Cobra/Alt-WWII
Renegades i'm half and half on. Scarlett and Cobra Security: Good. The Rest: Eat a dick. Will grab that Storm Shadow though, as i like his ninjato. Of course these will be a box set, fucking watch.
Data-Viper: Not sure.
Kwinn: When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, everybody's gonna jump for joy. I actually like the figure, though i know dick about the character. Needs some better accessorizes though.
Lifeline: Accessories Goooood. Figure, Toss it.
Stalker: Yes, hell.
Zarana: I can probably find a use.
Hazard Viper: Still yes.
News is coming in from the G.I. Joe Club roundtable panel at JoeCon 2011.
* Doing a subscription based figure set much like Matty Collector.
* 6 month trial
* 2 figures per month
* If you subscribe you get a bonus figure
* 13 figures total with 6 month subscription
* All figures are carded
* Cancelled Nano-BAT from ROC and Quarell are first 2 figs
* O-Ring figures will be limited in the future the focus is with modern era
Over on the old board. I think i put pics up in one the albums here, too.
first, what the heck happened to the 7 packs they were talking about to "complete collections"
and secondly, i LOVE the Kwinn figure, but that head sucks a$$...looks nothing like comic Kwinn
Yeah. I like that "Billy Dee Williams" Head better than dread head for Stalker. I like the web gear on the Hasbro figure though. I may change mine.
TNI/Hasbro said:The figures will be unreleased and foreign type characters and figures that have never been done in 25th style.
Yeah, i like that Jungle Duke harness, as well.
Think he needs a silenced/night scoped M16, too.
I'm curious how these will be packaged per case. Also, is the line healthy enough to look that far into the future? It would be nice to see some of those down the road.
• Saw Zoltron in person. Yeah, you read that right. My head nearly exploded.