Broken Arrow Toys


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
My word over there is last I'm gonna say on it, at either location.

I doubt will be seing you again anyhow. You obviously don't care for the place, which is fine.

I didn't know you had made any comment on that matter over there at all.

I don't know why you would think that I won't be back, though in light of today's discussion on this forum I certainly don't feel very welcome over here.
I've been a member here for quite a while, and though I don't post much, I check in to see what's happening. My last post before today was in Novbember, but Advent/Christmas are pretty busy for a minister. But unless you're kicking me off this forum, which I suppose you can do as the Founder, I have no plans to leave.

Regardless, I just think it's a poor reflection on this forum, that a whole thread on a topic is simply a rehash/commentary on what's being said on the other forum. I thought there was an effort being made to distance this forum from the other place. My understanding is that the drama over there wasn't wanted over here... and low and behold, it's like Sportscenter after the game over here.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I'd never kick you off this forum, at least not for something as ultimately trivial as a difference of opinion. We aren't Hiss Tank, afterall.

You call this drama? If you say so.


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
That seems a little selfish though, who's money is more important? If you go off the time invested them clouds money is priority isn't it?

I'm not saying that my money or anyone's money is more important. I mentioned the ammount I spent simply to show that I wasn't someone from the outside unfairly judging their situation. I'm basically in the same boat they're in. And yes, they have waited longer, but I have more money invested, so it comes out pretty close to even.

My main point is that I understand their problem, but if they're really frustrated and want to solve it, legal action may not be the best way to do it. In fact, because it is such a small claim, it may be more cost effective to deal with it in another way. I understand that both of those guys are angry, but if Aly closes his shop and disappears from the Joe Community because legal fees break him financially, not only will they not get the refund that they want, but a lot of us will lose too.

So the guy is out $85. I get it. That's not very fair. But if he causes me to lose $325 because he hires a lawyer and takes Aly to court, I'm going to be even more pissed... because the whole deal from the begining, which he agreed to, was that there was no time garauntee. Is that selfish of me? Maybe, but no more so than the guy who wants his $85 back because he changed his mind and wants to back out of the deal.

Maybe he should have just gotten the Mindbender from the Defense of Cobra Island 7-pack to begin with.
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I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
I'd never kick you off this forum, at least not for something as ultimately trivial as a difference of opinion. We aren't Hiss Tank, afterall.

You call this drama? If you say so.

Yeah, I'd say it's somewhat dramatic.
This thread turns into a knitting party about what's being said in the other forum... and it get's somewhat unkind about a member of this forum.

And then I get called "Butt Hurt" when I finally do log into this Soap Opera in Progress and call you guys out on it. You're right this isn't the other forum... today, it was worse.

It's like an episode of The View when Rosie O'Donnell was still on it... It's dramatic, but not in a good way.


Mocha Viper
Jul 20, 2011
I gave Aly $32 back in Mid order is already processing. Here's hoping I get my instock Dexter head and bodybags sooner rather than later.


Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
Et Tu, Fogger? I thought we were friends.

What? It is a ridiculous comparison, between a custom figure and a custom weapon. I'd tell you as much in person, there's no real insult there.

I didn't get involved in the rest of...whatever anyone wants to call what happened here, other than to point out that you were a member here.
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Snow Bunny
Apr 7, 2011

Why does it matter which forum its posted on? At least here if someone gets butt hurt (or is worried about a sponsor) it won't get shut down and everyone gets a chance to share their opinion/experience. The biggest reason I come to this forum, the mods/owner won't take it personal, feel all high and mighty (well...) and throw the ban hammer at you (within reason of course).

I for one feel enlightened about Broken Arrows business practices so I'm glad the information/experience was shared.


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
What? It is a ridiculous comparison, between a custom figure and a custom weapon. I'd tell you as much in person, there's no real insult there.

The comparison was simply that the rule of "it's 30 days unless stated otherwise" isn't always applicable. I also offered Hasbro as an example in the same post. Did you even read original post? Besides that, Aly doing custom toys in his spare time versus STI (which was the company I mentioned because they're also in Texas) isn't that far off considering the fact that STI has full time staff and millions of dollars in production equipment and they make guns full time for a living.

Besides that, my friend, wasn't I being ganged up on enough already in this thread?


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA

Why does it matter which forum its posted on? At least here if someone gets butt hurt (or is worried about a sponsor) it won't get shut down and everyone gets a chance to share their opinion/experience. The biggest reason I come to this forum, the mods/owner won't take it personal, feel all high and mighty (well...) and throw the ban hammer at you (within reason of course).

I for one feel enlightened about Broken Arrows business practices so I'm glad the information/experience was shared.

1. The other thread on the other forum has not been shut down or closed.
2. Everyone has shared their opinion on this matter over there without any MOD interference.
3. The only time anyone has mentioned me leaving any forum over this matter was in this thread. No one threated to ban me, but one didn't have to look to hard to see it that way.


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
I think I said something closer to: "we all may not get our toys if Aly has to shut is business down." As in all of us who are waiting on our orders. I don't think it's that selfish.

Besides that, guys... seriously?
You can't just have your own discussion about the topic without a blow-blow comentary about the conversation? Or you can't just respond to me and call me names over there? This is pretty bad.

I would have responded earlier, but I have a daughter to deal with. Anyway:

I am entitled to my opinion on whomever or whatever I choose, regardless of the forum, whether it's "over there" or here as the case may be, at least until such time as the rules here change and I am no longer permitted to say anything about anyone. Just as you are entitled to your opinion that the other people seemed to be unreasonable to your way of thinking on the subject. If I feel you were being selfish, I'm going to say it. And I'll say it here to your 'face' just as much as I would say it there if I ever cared to actually post there. I think it was selfish from the phrasing, because I don't think anyone who is complaining about the wait cares whether they get their toys or not.

I should clarify, this is simply my opinion, posted in a forum I feel infinitely more comfortable posting on. Insert whatever emoticons one might deem necessary.
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Snow Bunny
Apr 7, 2011
1. The other thread on the other forum has not been shut down or closed.
2. Everyone has shared their opinion on this matter over there without any MOD interference.
3. The only time anyone has mentioned me leaving any forum over this matter was in this thread. No one threated to ban me, but one didn't have to look to hard to see it that way.

1. it will be. ANY discussion that gets heated over there, gets shut down eventually

2. They will, just a matter of time

3. Being totally outside the conversation (till now), it doesn't look that way to me at all. I think your just reading too much into it. Mostly I've only seen self proclaimed bans, I've banned myself from here several times (too much t&a) only to complete confession and come back for more.

Oh, and one more thing...



Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
The comparison was simply that the rule of "it's 30 days unless stated otherwise" isn't always applicable. I also offered Hasbro as an example in the same post. Did you even read original post? Besides that, Aly doing custom toys in his spare time versus STI (which was the company I mentioned because they're also in Texas) isn't that far off considering the fact that STI has full time staff and millions of dollars in production equipment and they make guns full time for a living.

Besides that, my friend, wasn't I being ganged up on enough already in this thread?

I did. I still don't think it's really a valid comparison, but I also don't think its really something to get upset about if I don't agree.

As for the last, I commented before pretty much all of that, and then stayed out of it - which is what I usually do when there's drama. I don't really want to get involved now.

No one threated to ban me, but one didn't have to look to hard to see it that way.

Don't confuse "founder" with "someone who can ban you" - they're not at all the same.


Opinionated Arsehole
Jul 3, 2011


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
I would have responded earlier, but I have a daughter to deal with. Anyway:

I am entitled to my opinion on whomever or whatever I choose, regardless of the forum, whether it's "over there" or here as the case may be, at least until such time as the rules here change and I am no longer permitted to say anything about anyone. Just as you are entitled to your opinion that the other people seemed to be unreasonable to your way of thinking on the subject. If I feel you were being selfish, I'm going to say it. And I'll say it here to your 'face' just as much as I would say it there if I ever cared to actually post there. I think it was selfish from the phrasing, because I don't think anyone who is complaining about the wait cares whether they get their toys or not.

Oh, far be it from me to challenge your sense of entitlement. However, from your comments it would seem that you're pretty entrenched in your sense of entitlement, and that there's really no risk of me or anyone else dislodging you.

But really, what's your point, that I shouldn't be mad because you were rude about when I wasn't here because you're entitled? That somehow your entitlement to run off at the mouth doesn't make you a coward or a gossip? Really, what does the fact that I can't stop you from saying something really mean? What do you want me to understand from this assertion of your self entitlement?


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
I did. I still don't think it's really a valid comparison, but I also don't think its really something to get upset about if I don't agree.

As for the last, I commented before pretty much all of that, and then stayed out of it - which is what I usually do when there's drama. I don't really want to get involved now.

Don't confuse "founder" with "someone who can ban you" - they're not at all the same.

Fogger, I feel like this exchange has become more than I intended. You're my friend, and we haven't had a chance to get lunch in a while... how about Five Guys next week if you're free? Let me know which day would work best for you. It'll give me a chance to show you that STI and Aly's shop really are the same thing ;) It will also give a chance to talk about Slayercon.

Thanks for the clarification about "Founders". That makes me feel much better about the direction of this forum.
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I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
1. it will be. ANY discussion that gets heated over there, gets shut down eventually

2. They will, just a matter of time

3. Being totally outside the conversation (till now), it doesn't look that way to me at all. I think your just reading too much into it. Mostly I've only seen self proclaimed bans, I've banned myself from here several times (too much t&a) only to complete confession and come back for more.

Oh, and one more thing...


The first two remain to be seen.
I appreciate your objectivity regarding the third. It's quite possible that from my point of view, I was reading too much into it.

As to your last point: Eddie is my friend, and he curses at me when I try to make homosexual jokes at his expense, so I'll leave that alone... but the graphic was very funny. We should have bumber stickers made.


Snow Bunny
Apr 7, 2011
Don't confuse "founder" with "someone who can ban you" - they're not at all the same.

Founder = :rainbow:
Standard member = :(

so here's to everyone with hopes of getting their money or shit they bought soon!


did that help?


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
Oh, far be it from me to challenge your sense of entitlement. However, from your comments it would seem that you're pretty entrenched in your sense of entitlement, and that there's really no risk of me or anyone else dislodging you.

But really, what's your point, that I shouldn't be mad because you were rude about when I wasn't here because you're entitled? That somehow your entitlement to run off at the mouth doesn't make you a coward or a gossip? Really, what does the fact that I can't stop you from saying something really mean? What do you want me to understand from this assertion of your self entitlement?

Apparently, I am just as entitled as you are. You feel entitled to your opinion on the matter of people wanting to see something done about someone who has clearly not held up to his end of an agreement, and I feel entitled to think your manner of phrasing came off as selfish. You also seem to feel entitled to think everyone who doesn't explicitly agree with your thinking is somehow completely against you.

You can be mad, see how much I give a shit? Should I ask your permission next time before I post here on how much of a child you're sounding like? This is where I feel comfortable, talking to like-minded individuals. How does not wanting to post there make me a coward when I know full well you're a member here and could respond to me at any time? I don't LIKE posting on HT if I can help it. And oh, look at that. I can.

Regardless, all I said was I felt your outlook on the situation was selfish. That again, is my opinion. If that's not how you meant things, so be it. But I'm still allowed to feel like you're being an asshole if that's the way I see it, just like that's the way you're seeing me right now. :)

Anyways, that's all I have to say with regards to you on this matter. I've said my piece, you've said yours. Obviously we both feel entitled to our opinions, and that's that. Really, what's the point of arguing it further? Besides which, I clearly admit to being an asshole.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Dammit, Cloud. You got the entire knitting circle on your cycle! I leave for a few hours and look what happens!

Thanks for the clarification about "Founders". That makes me feel much better about the direction of this forum.

The direction of this forum is essentially like what drives any man to do anything: a bunch of peckers poking around until they get told not to.

As to your last point: Eddie is my friend, and he curses at me when I try to make homosexual jokes at his expense, so I'll leave that alone... but the graphic was very funny. We should have bumber stickers made.

Feel free to pick on Eddie all you want.


"Big Guns"
I gave Aly $32 back in Mid order is already processing. Here's hoping I get my instock Dexter head and bodybags sooner rather than later.

Sadly, the "processing" designation is no sign of progress. My BA order from early Dec is "processing" as well, but given that he hasn't shipped anything in two months, it does make me wonder. Hopefully things are moving along, even if it's slower than we'd like.

Honestly, BA is always notoriously slow. The 4-week stuff on his front page is a bit comical. I've ordered probably a dozen times, and not once has it ever come in less than 8 weeks. But Aly is a nice guy, and I'm pretty patient, so it's not a big deal for me. However, anyone expecting a zippy turn around is in for a surprise.

But to be fair, I'm still waiting on an SDS order from last fall that never arrived. They've gone silent on me too.


Snow Bunny
Apr 7, 2011
As to your last point: Eddie is my friend, and he curses at me when I try to make homosexual jokes at his expense, so I'll leave that alone... but the graphic was very funny. We should have bumber stickers made.

Don't get me wrong, I like the guy but until he posts nudies of his wife in the NSFW thread... he's always gonna be my :rainbow:


for the record I just want to state that my recent posts are not to derail this thread by any means but to make light of a situation before someone gets some serious carpet burns on their knees.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Liar! You were being all racist! Like saying that Australia's just full of criminals!

... kidding. :)
Well, at one point it was!

Means he don't like your tone, boy.

Get in line, then?

I've never advocated for a banning that I can recall. I don't think we even banned that schmuck from Bad Cat, hell or JetTits for that matter.

Or did we? *rubs chin*


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
Apparently, I am just as entitled as you are. You feel entitled to your opinion on the matter of people wanting to see something done about someone who has clearly not held up to his end of an agreement, and I feel entitled to think your manner of phrasing came off as selfish. You also seem to feel entitled to think everyone who doesn't explicitly agree with your thinking is somehow completely against you.

You can be mad, see how much I give a shit? Should I ask your permission next time before I post here on how much of a child you're sounding like? This is where I feel comfortable, talking to like-minded individuals. How does not wanting to post there make me a coward when I know full well you're a member here and could respond to me at any time? I don't LIKE posting on HT if I can help it. And oh, look at that. I can.

Regardless, all I said was I felt your outlook on the situation was selfish. That again, is my opinion. If that's not how you meant things, so be it. But I'm still allowed to feel like you're being an asshole if that's the way I see it, just like that's the way you're seeing me right now. :)

Anyways, that's all I have to say with regards to you on this matter. I've said my piece, you've said yours. Obviously we both feel entitled to our opinions, and that's that. Really, what's the point of arguing it further? Besides which, I clearly admit to being an asshole.

I always enjoy it when a particulary rude member posts a response and they say stuff like, "I've said my piece, you've said yours." If you don't want to continue to post, that is your business. If you think you've said your piece, you are entitled to that as well.

But you don't get to tell me when I've said my piece... that's where I'm "selfishly entitled". You didn't know if I was a member here, but even if you did, you certainly knew I wasn't logged in. So this whole business of "I posted publically" is complete crap.

Let me get this straight: "on the whole internet, one guy posted unkind things about me on a forum where I haven't posted in monthes and I'm supposed to find the post, and respond to him before I can respond, but he's not a coward." That's the same logic as every jilted woman on facebook or twitter... real manly courage, that is.

I can see that you do like to be here with like minded individuals. All you girls from The View love to gang up on people without actually discussing it with the person you disagree with. Heaven forbid, you log onto Hisstank and try to politely debate anything with someone you disagree with. The thing about realizing that you're a jerk and doing anything about it, doesn't fix anything. It just makes you an arrogant jerk, and all the more unpleasant.
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Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
Nobody gets banned except spammers. Relax and discuss things however you want kids. There really are no rules besides BST courtesy and everyone can govern each other. We are all adults and don't need supervision.

As for the situation, although he states that projects will get done when they get done that is not a contract. There needs to be a reasonable time frame to get something. Most of the stuff is made from molds already done so time is what has to be put into it. Once you take someone's money, you should make it priority to get them what they paid for. That's just good business. I think because of his attitude towards people that's why he gets a lot of flak but some of the time frames for stuff is way too long. If he can't handle doing something within a 6 month period he honestly should consider not doing this.

Now comparing the time frame to a custom firearm is somewhat of a stretch though. These items are mostly cast from already made things and if not there are molds for the other stuff in question. A custom gun requires precision crafting most of the time. It also has no room for error where a plastic figure can have flaws and be corrected by the owner.

I understand that that most of this comes from another site but the members here are members there so discussions will get carried over sometimes. That's just life. If anything gets out of control we'll have Ewok send the person a PM. :D


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
It might still be. What do we REALLY know about them Aussies, anyway? >_>

This is a good point. They helped us kill Japs in the war. Ummm, they gave us Mad Max and the Last of the V8 Interceptors.


Men at Work, Vegimite, Fosters?

I know, the Crocodile Hunter!

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Sadly, the "processing" designation is no sign of progress. My BA order from early Dec is "processing" as well, but given that he hasn't shipped anything in two months, it does make me wonder. Hopefully things are moving along, even if it's slower than we'd like.

Honestly, BA is always notoriously slow. The 4-week stuff on his front page is a bit comical. I've ordered probably a dozen times, and not once has it ever come in less than 8 weeks. But Aly is a nice guy, and I'm pretty patient, so it's not a big deal for me. However, anyone expecting a zippy turn around is in for a surprise.

But to be fair, I'm still waiting on an SDS order from last fall that never arrived. They've gone silent on me too.

I think eventually all the caster guys get behind. I've only heard good things about Raginspoon and I've dealt with Asphalt too, with great feedback. But even SDS, who has basically extended my customizing efforts for the last 2 years due to their sculpts, takes forever to get stuff out.

It's annoying, but I just learned to deal with it. It's a really niche hobby and there aren't many guys who sculpt and/or cast 1:18 scale items with the quality that they do.

I'm not saying it's fine, or anything. But it's definitely a "buyer beware" thing. Aly's got some cool shit, but I steered clear as it is due to the feedback.