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    MTF - Vietnam

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    1:18 scale Stryker WIP

    That is damn nice!
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    Suggestions for base for this vehicle?

    There is this one too. True Heroes line. It looks like a two seater (would be cramped) but may work
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    Suggestions for base for this vehicle?

    This might work and should be easy to find. It's from Lanard's Kong Skull Island toyline. Review:
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    What was the mini sci fi action figure toy line that went clear under hot water?

    Was it the GI Joe Ninja Force Shadow Ninja line? There were only 6 and they would change from clear to regular color in hot or cold water
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    The Other World.

    I loved these guys. I had the castle and all the beasts. Figures were a little scrappy but for Joe and Star Wars it was great!
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    Diglers Little Birds

    I would definitely be interested in a set.
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    Hiya Aliens Line

    Website is still down and no news as of late. Did they go belly up?
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    Custom Super Articulated Realistic Armored Savage Opress

    Here is my take on a custom realistic styled Savage Opress. He is made from a GI Joe 25th Serpentor torso and upper legs, IG Destro lower arms, Tripwire lower legs, and a shirtless Savage Opress Head, hands and tunic. The shoulder pauldrons are from a 30th Iron Grenadier and are removable. Enjoy
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    Modern Warfare Infantry (AKA POC Grunt)

    My next custom figure is a Modern Style Pursuit of Cobra Grunt. I wanted to keep him simple, as a "grunt" would be. Thanks and enjoy
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    Custom POC Tripwire

    I liked the idea of an EOD specialist, especially after watching the Hurt Locker and Tripwire was always one of my favorite Joes, so I gave him an update
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    Modern Delta Force Operator

    This is my third custom, a Delta Force Operator. Used a Cancelled Desert Ripcord body, POC General Hawk legs and POC Snow Job head. Enjoy
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    Pursuit of Cobra Spearhead

    My next custom is Spearhead. I envisioned him as more of a Force Recon Type. He is a POC Dusty with the lower arms of a ROC Desert Ambush Duke.
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    Pursuit of Cobra Crosshairs

    These are my first customs in a while. Went for a more realistic approach with these. Up first is Crosshairs, desert sniper. He was made using the ROC Desert Ambush Duke as a base. The Ghille Suit is from a Corps! sniper figure.
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    Securities Stinger custom

    That is friggin' sweet
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    Custom 4" scale Alien Warrior from Alien: Resurrection

    This is my latest custom. I love the Revoltech Alien Warrior but it was, in my opinion, too big for joe scale. When Hasbro re-tooled the Geonosian Warrior from the Star Wars line, I decided to take a stab at my own Super-poseable Alien Warrior. The figure can imitate almost every pose his...