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  1. Brickhead

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    They fuckin nailed it, man. I love how some MB figures are better represented than the LEGO ones. I think what really works against LEGO is their limited articulation. But they will stick with the classic (blocky) figure forever I am sure.
  2. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2015

    I think Hasbro is trying to phase out the 3 3/4 13 POA figures (obviously for adult collectors) and sell us 6" versions at an even slower production rate. 6" figures are more money and easier to give more POA. Look at the new SW line. The black series 3 3/4 are mostly all repack repaints and...
  3. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2015

    right out of the package. I twisted his hands right off without much force at all. This line is so fucked.
  4. Brickhead

    G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions

    Haven't built shit in a hot minute. Managed to throw this together.
  5. Brickhead

    Pre-Order Alert! Laurel, Jack, Argus, and King!!!

    Just as some suspected... Wish they were available sooner than April. Here
  6. Brickhead

    "BLACK WIDOW" by Vitaly Bulgarov

    I've always loved cyberpunk. I wonder what scale this is? Anywho... check it out. "BLACK WIDOW" Tank Kit
  7. Brickhead

    Cloaks and Capes: My take on 'em

    Awesome! Thank you very much! This is great!
  8. Brickhead

    I want to make some cloaks but don't know how!

    Kit Lau teases us on Instagram with his customs. The most badass ones have cloaks. I'd love to make some, but can't figure it out! Ugh! If anyone has a template or can give instructions on how to do so...please do!
  9. Brickhead

    Marvel: Phase Three

    ^ yes. Liam Neeson would be perfect!
  10. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

    NO wrist articulation and NO mid section articulation on Shanna! God fucking damnit!
  11. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

    I'm tempted to get some Shanna figures. If they actually come out...
  12. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

    Those... are pretty shitty. :(
  13. Brickhead

    Shakin' My Muthafuckin' Head, The "Death" of Wolverine

    That's interesting and all...but you know what is a really compelling story that is severely under-rated? Earth X, Universe X (I,II) and Paradise X (I,II).
  14. Brickhead


    A place for ARW mixed with 3A's WWR and WWRp. :) They just work so well together.
  15. Brickhead

    Blade, Punisher, and Ghost Rider return to Marvel

    There is no Wesley Snipes... only Blade.
  16. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

    Thats the only Thanos I have on the far right as well. Really well done.
  17. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

    Where did you get the cyclops and Omega-red, from BBTS? I have mine still on Preorder...
  18. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

    Ahh shit! I forgot to ask for Blade!!! They totally had Blade and now they're putting him out on the sales floor. I just have too many to catch up on. ahh shit.
  19. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

  20. Brickhead

    Marvel Infinite 2014

    My TRU has like 10 Cloaks and nothing else. The only time I've seen them carry various figures was when I bought all of them. :trollface: