Well here's about three days worth of tinkering....
15 years ago I acquired spare night and sky raven parts and put together an all black raven. I never thought to put markings on it until now. Simple enough to do the exterior...
The cockpit, however, took some time. I painted some of the details. An upgraded instrument panel took some trial and error to print at just the right size to fit. The laptop computer is glued in place and the keyboard flips up to allow the copilot in and out.
A new test pilot. The body is FSS version of Scoop, grey gloves painted black on the outer part to give them a two-tone look, retaliation Airborne leg harness, chute pack and helmet from two different Ace figs. No head under there; the helmet is painted solid black on the inside and glued onto a sculpey mount on the neck post.
USS Flagg sleeping quarters. Something else I've waited years to do. Finally got spare cardboard thick enough for walls. It was easy to cut through, but the corrugation inside was kind of a pain. I didn't cover that up on the top of the walls because when it goes under the deck, it won't be seen. It lines up nicely with the stern support truss, and leaves a little space to still see the girders.