G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Good to see all that product there on display! Looks like the SNAKE is huge as expected. Law & Order, Breaker, Blowtorch and Footloose (despite the backwards mag 🙄) all look as good as I hoped. Tele-Viper is as expected as well. Frag-Viper needs to leave that helmet on. CG looks better than the leaked protos. I might have to pick her up and find a new character idea for her. Flint… the fig looks good as expected, but holy noggin, Batman, on the card art. I might go aftermarket for parts only if it looks that bad in person. I don’t have much interest in the NF set, the fireman, the CLAW, the divers or anything else they had.


"Big Guns"
I think the Flint figure/sculpt looks fantastic. But I agree, the card art is profoundly bad. Previous retro releases used card art that was nearly identical to the vintage, but Flint looks like someone's kid photoshopped a cartoon head on the vintage artwork. WTF Mattel! Glad the figure looks solid, much better than Classified v1, IMO.

I'll probably get one huge SNAKE, but I still prefer the S7 version that's ultra vintage-looking. Hoping this new one forces those to go on sale/clearance so I can pick up a couple more. I'll probably get a couple of CLAWs because I'm a sucker for small vehicles, and Cobra doesn't have that many.

The NF set... I'll have to get one. That Beachhead deco is one of my favorite figures from the 2k era. He came in probably the best TRU six-pack they ever made. Roadblock is the only dud in the bunch b/c the figure uses his original mold but paints his bare arms/wifebeater like they are a turtleneck. It looks really terrible, but the rest of the set is great. I think I still have one MISB.

NF QK is ok. He's definitely more practical than the classic shoeless deco, but he looks like the PoC Predator homage that doesn't really light my fire. But BH is worth the buy. Would love to get the NF Flint, Action Man, and Short-Fuze from that classic set in Classified form. I can totally see that happen, as Hasbro loves to give us repaints of main characters *first* in order to force double-dipping when the "regular" version comes out later. Calling it now, NF SF in the next year released before the O13 deco. This is the way.

-SE w/ bear and MASS Element? Absolutely
-Breaker w/ MASS element and grey deco with better head & gear? Hell yeah
-Divers with MASS element? Not quitting now
-Blowtorch, Law & Order, Footloose... of course, no brainer
-Darklon & Crystal Ball... will probably get them eventually, but will wait for a sale
-Frag-Viper... heavy implication that they're androids/cybernetic of some kind (supposedly the original intent), which explains the crazy trajectory-calculation throwing ability. It's just a dumb specialty. I will likely wait for a sale and get a couple with the intent of giving them a new backstory.
-Outhouse Viper w/ Port-o-Let? I canceled my POs... will wait for big sale or do without

Seems like we're in a real Joe lull at the moment, but it appears they're going to crush wallets in Q3/Q4.
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"Big Guns"
Also, I ordered a couple of these stages for Cold Slither performances. They're a little small for a stadium-style show, but using a couple to build a stage 2ft wide, might have to elevate the upper scaffolding a little, but should be a sufficient Joe-scale venue. The lights are functional too. They'll work even better for ReAction+ assuming S7 completes the band.

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Feb 6, 2014
It was nice finally see all the products live, which means in march we will be able to pre-order them finally.
Good to see that the Snake armor can be operated with a figure. I have a little bit concern about its height on my shelf, still it will fit probably.
Everything else quiet nice...The NF set was a bit of surprise. On one hand - I really happy that we getting an NF characters on the other hand - I expected more classic ones.
Beachhead is a 2004 charater of the NF series...while Quick Kick was never there. It would made much more sense if they just changed the name on the box to Nunchuck who was a 2003 NF Figure. They even gave Nunchucks gear to Quick Kick....
All in all finally we getting there...
For me:
Flint - probably will change his head for the CS version
Footloose, Law and Order, Blowtorch, NF duo set
Frag Viper, Crystal Ball, Darklon,
CLAW and Snake armor
Everything else just not for me. Breaker looks gorgeous but I have a feeling we might se him in a green re-deco someday.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011

I don’t think I’ll be preordering tomorrow, but I’ll likely end up with all three retros and Breaker from this wave. Hasbro did a nice job on all, particularly Cover Girl. Had she come with that face with red hair originally, there’d be no need for this one, and I wouldn’t have needed to modify mine.

This one’s definitely cute enough and unique enough from the other to warrant a new original character. I‘ll have to work up a name, MOS and code name, and maybe some additional kit. So far, I’m thinking she’ll be a protege of CG, but maybe with more of an infiltration agent kind of vibe.
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"Big Guns"

I don’t think I’ll be preordering tomorrow, but I’ll likely end up with all three retros and Breaker from this wave. Hasbro did a nice job on all, particularly Cover Girl. Had she come with that face with red hair originally, there’d be no need for this one, and I wouldn’t have needed to modify mine.

This one’s definitely cute enough and unique enough from the other to warrant a new original character. I‘ll have to work up a name, MOS and code name, and maybe some additional kit. So far, I’m thinking she’ll be a protege of CG, but maybe with more of an infiltration agent kind of vibe.
Another angle is merely that she's a (former) model and has the ability to change her looks pretty dramatically with ease. She knows all the tricks.

The original figure with short red hair was such a fugly bobblehead, the blonde is definitely my preference.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I am weak. :LOL: Breaker is up for pre-order at Target, who also happens to be running a 20% off sale on Joes and ML. So... I pre-ordered Breaker and ordered ML Falcon (who will become my Grand Slam). Total with the sale was $25 per figure w/ tax and free shipping. If you are getting more than one Breaker, you can get them for $20 each with free shipping if you pre-order within the next couple days while the sale lasts.

I haven't seen the retros up for PO yet, but I think that is supposed to happen this afternoon. I don't think those will show up on Target's website (none of the retros do as far as I can tell) so I won't be tempted to PO them during the sale. I should be able to resist that, at least until I get an AMZ gift card or similar "free" or heavily subsidized option.

As for cartoon CG, my working bio (file card tribute incoming): File name: Brittany Krieger (since her last name remains on her jacket sleeve) Code name: Hollywood. Primary MOS: Espionage. Secondary: Armor. Having grown up in a military family with her older cousin Courtney, she shared a similar interest in serving her country and used her relentless drive, skills, general appeal to advance quickly. Prior to enlistment, she spent time working as an actress and model, mastering the ability to "become" characters practically unrecognizable from her normal aesthetic. Rumored that she had been heavily recruited by other unnamed agencies, Hollywood chose GI Joe because her cousin assured her she'd have more autonomy with the Joe team. She also promised they could still get their hands greasy maintaining AFVs in the motor pool, when she wasn't away collecting intel behind enemy lines.

Gen. Hawk's notes: "When Cover Girl and Hollywood team up, Cobra always loses. They get fixated on Cover Girl and never see Hollywood until she hits them from behind. They are a potent team."


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
So I went back to find it, but it was apparently a one purchase thing listed as a "Target Circle deal." Maybe it's some kind of a legacy thing I'm qualified for, but I don't believe there has ever been a charge for (regular) TC, at least not one I've detected. The deal just showed up when I opened the listing for each figure. When I put them in the cart, they came up at the discounted price.


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I don't get that option. But I'm just glad to get them ordered at all.

I loathe Target exclusives, as I don't live near one, they're rarely available online, and the stores I can bother drive to are usually devoid of anything interesting... like the good stuff goes out the back and never sees the shelves.

Everything else up for PO today should go live at 1pm. I'm embarrassingly excited about SE with the bear.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Sorry that didn't work. Since I'm back on the Target train a little now that their behavior has improved, I'd say joining the free Target Circle might be a good option for you. You would likely be ordering plenty to get the free shipping so it might be a way to benefit on getting their exclusives without too much hassle, and maybe with a discount. I wasn't expecting the sale today nor another previous one recently, but was able to benefit from this free (looked that up) membership, however it was I came about having it years ago.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Huh, does your wife maybe use the same account and maybe surf a lot of other stuff? Mine seems to substantiate their claim that the offers are tailored to my interests pretty well.


"Big Guns"
No... she doesn't use my account. She doesn't order anything online. She just sends me links and says "go". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Honestly, my luck with target is so bad, I don't even check them when I'm hunting anything. Unless someone posts a specific link to something on sale, they're totally off my radar. And I hate their PO system that pings your cc every five days. The charges never go through until they ship, but they're constantly tying up funds just to make sure your card is still good. I'm going to get emails every five days about Breaker charges from here to July.


"Big Guns"
On a happier note, I finally got some time to unbox the Fanshobby Air Eagle, aka Sky Hawk, and it's massive. The pics don't do the size justice. I threw in some Hot Wheels just for scale. It's yuuuuuuuge.



I actually like their original design configuration, as it gives the thing some wings, looks like it might be semi-plausible. I was going to build it that way first, but it became painfully obvious that switching between setups was not in the cards.

Everything snaps together VERY tight, so tight you fear you're stressing or breaking something. So I built it in the ARAH-mode to look like the sky hawk right off the bat. They don't tell you how, so it's on you to figure out what changes you need to make, requiring some minor disassembly... but that part is not hard. However, there is zero chance I'm ever taking it back apart to try out the FansHobby mode. Once it snaps together, that's it, hope you like it.


But once you get it all in one piece, it's solid, sturdy, and feels as good or better than hasbro vehicles. 100% worth the price of admission, and now I won't have to stress if the Joe design squad feels the need to Classified-ify the design in the future (shin guards and gold trim for everyone!). I can see them putting Osprey propellers or something else blasphemous on it.


Overall, very happy with this bad boy. It came with some water slide decals, but they don't look great. I bought some better ones off ebay, and I'll be putting those on it when things get slow at work in the middle of the month.

Starduster says, "Screw this jetpack nonsense..."


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Looks great! Glad it was a good buy. It's amazing what is already out there to support this line, thanks to 3D printing, dedicated support lines and competitors, long before Hasbro gets around to their versions.


"Big Guns"
It has the gun mounted underneath with lateral movement as well... but I had it pushed over to the right side while wrestling with the assembly and failed to re-center it, so it didn't show in the pics.

Yeah, 3d printing is a mixed bag. Some people are making great designs, but I cannot stand the dull finish and really obvious filament lines that result from most printers. And while resin printers offer much finer detail, they can't print nearly as large and it's tougher to find resin with ABS properties. I've been happy with the resin printing I've done so far, but it's time consuming and messier than filaments.

My next purchase to going to be a 3d scanner of some kind. Despite being a technical guy, I suck at CAD (I don't have the time to get good, and I'd have to relearn it for every project), so I'd rather just scan something and manipulate it than start from scratch. But any scanners that aren't low-end junk start near a grand and go up, so it's tough to justify.
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"Big Guns"
He was the ultimate peg warmer. In the entirity of the 80's, there was no figure that rotted in stores en mass more than CB. Seeing him now, I still get a wave of disappointment. Not because he's a bad figure, but it's just a pavlovian response at this point.

I'll still get one b/c my Cobra ranks need more crazy kooks, but I hope he doesn't haunt my dreams (or WM stores) for the next 18 months.
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"Big Guns"
Agreed. I'm not sure I care about the Frag Viper, but I might customize him into something better. The others are clear buys, even stupid Darklon. In for a pinch of IGs, in for a pound (except that cash-grab BAT repaint).

But I'm not gonna lie, Blowtorch kinda bugs me. All that black gear is a clear indication that they plan a retro release with more yellow/red deco (or even the green from 50th). It irks me when they pull the classic hasbro move of intentionally making the first release of a figure worse so they can sell you the "improved" version down the road. Sometimes it's subtle, and sometimes they don't even try to hide it.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
The full fanstream plus additional pics:
Only additional item I am a little excited about is the Col. Hawk w/ MMS. Has brown-ish hair but looks pretty cool. I don't need an MMS (or another version of Hawk), but it does bring the nostalgia as my first ever vehicle/fig.


"Big Guns"
I'm all over this. It could be more blonde, but I can cure that. A bigger disappointment is them not fixing the missiles to actually look like old-school MIM-23 HAWK missiles with the big fins at the rear.

But I'm going to cure that too. Back before Classified when I was working on my custom Joes from Vala, I bought a pair of cheap-o 1/18 "missile trucks" that each have a pair of Hawk-looking missiles on a flatbed launcher. They're a little bigger than the Classified missiles, but that's also good. I'm going to figure out how to attach them (magnets if necessary) to improve this repaint. It'll give it larger ordinance, more ARAH appearance, and differentiate the MMS from the inferior Cobra knockoff.

They're not perfect, as they still have that extra little tail section, but they're closer than the JoeClass version which didn't even try. I might just cut that extra bit off.

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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Those are a lot closer to the OG ones for sure. Can't wait to see the improved version!


"Big Guns"
Those are a lot closer to the OG ones for sure. Can't wait to see the improved version!
Me too!

I really put that project on the backburner... hoping that Hasbro would do it right and save me the trouble. But alas, it looks like I'll end up doing it anyway. Glad I bought the trucks when I did, as the Amazon listing still exists, but the truck/missile design has changed (they now look like Hasbro's!). I just wish I'd bought a third so I could do two sets of three.

Boooo on these turds.


"Big Guns"
While all the big info from yesterday's fan-stream is already "old news", I went back and watched the event anyway, just to get the little insights about what they were thinking, where certain details came from, what inspired them, etc. It was a fun video. The team is really good and seems to genuinely like and care about the property.

Lenny still reveals his 90's-kid-ness when he doesn't know basic stuff like Footloose being an '85 figure, or when he continually calls the MASS element "hard water".... no dude, that's what comes out of the faucet and is full of dissolved minerals that make lathering with soap difficult... not a half-real, half-fake element to power your MacGuffin device. BUT, overall, I really like the group. The chat is filled with a lot of vitriol towards Emily, as she's clearly the newest to the property, but they're just interwebs lowest-common-denominators. I keep the chat off. She's clearly fun and adds a lot to the enthusiasm for the brand, even her novice takes and affinity for the most odd details. Honestly, she's quirky, jovial, and quick-witted... reminds me of my big sister, and that makes me laugh.

When you compare the fun dynamic of this group to the teams from TF, Marvel, or other Hasbro properties/licenses, it's clear they like their jobs and understand (mostly) what fans want to see from the line. Not everything is exactly to my liking or how I'd go about it, but some of that is just "taste" and I'm sure there are constrains we're not privy to as well. Overall, I'm glad they're handling Joe and share that enthusiasm with us a few times a year.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I agree that, despite my own differences in taste and priorities, this team has done right by the line for the most part. I get why they would occasionally introduce some obscure new character for some sub-team to help stretch out the duration of the line - as long as there is a high level of confidence that the definitive characters will all eventually be released. And I think, for the most part, they have lived up to their side of the bargain.

It is interesting that, while initially saying the 2025 releases would all be pushed back, there seems to be a good, large backlog of releases on the way this year, timed to arrive on pace or better than a lot of the previous years' releases. Maybe they were just hedging their bets and things have actually turned out better than expected. 🤷‍♂️

There also do not seem to be any tariff driven price hikes thus far on WM or AMZ at least. That's all good news so no complaints here. I just need to generate some "free" toy money to fund all of the new figs I will be adding this year. Plus, more Cobraaaaaaaas please... :LOL:


"Big Guns"
BBTS went up 2/4/7 dollars on the various price points and that is causing people some heartburn. There is a lot of speculation that it's tariff driven... but I also read the claim that Joes are made in Vietnam, and there is no tariff on their goods. So it's hard to know if BBTS is doing it out of fear of uncertainty, greed, or some other factor we can't see. But yeah, it's good to see no major increases at Pulse or Amazon.

As for the output, the next releases aren't until August. That pretty much tracks with the announced delays, so I don't think there is any substantial change on that front. While we're seeing reveals and POs, it's going to be a loooooong dry spell for the next 4-5 months.

Heck, I still only have one Dialtone. Amazon sent one in Jan, and my other two from Pulse ordered in the first five min of the PO are nowhere to be seen. Releasing one 4-figure wave (that didn't actually fully arrive) between Jan and Aug is pretty darn sparse.

I'm not complaining though. I've spent plenty in the last 6 months on robots, hot wheels, and comics, so the Joe delay isn't making my wallet sad. When this stuff all drops in Q3/Q4, my AmEx is gonna melt :LOL:
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I suppose I am equating lots of POs with lots of product. You might be right on the delivery dates, but, if history repeats, I could see them actually dropping weeks to months before that, based on previous dates moving left. At least currently we have time to prepare our wallets for the impending assault. :LOL:
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Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
Tariffs wouldn’t start until April 1st so any price increases now are either preventative or predatory depending on how you look at it.

Between now & April there will be plenty of opportunities to negotiate even if it’s a tariff delay. So there is only so much I’m going to worry about that now.
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"Big Guns"
Of course... I can imagine companies jacking up prices in anticipation of not-yet-realized tariffs... as they're ordering many months in advance and don't know what things will look like at that time. However, if stuff really isn't being sourced from CHI-na (or canada... or mexico), then it feels more like a flimsy excuse at best or predatory at worst.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I’d love it if GJCS were to be manufactured in Vietnam or some other non-China country. And they should start embossing the ”made in” country name on the butts, just like in the old days. 😆


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
So I finally got a chance to unbox my SAW Viper as well as the CA:BNW Falcon I'm converting to an advanced Grand Slam.

I actually like the SV a lot. He really ups the firepower on the Cobra side to start to catch up to Roadblock and Heavy Duty (my minigun versions). I dumped the neck protector though, as it had left him with zero head motion. Otherwise, I managed a reasonable pose, with the caveat that he must have a visor mounted aiming system for the gun. No chance he could look down the barrel.

And since I had so much fun working up a persona for retro CG, here's another unnecessarily long and elaborate write up for modern/near future Grand Slam (What can I say? I was always a big fan of the the file card lore.):

Name: James Barney
Code Name: Grand Slam

Since his inaugural involvement with the original JUMP, Grand Slam has continually utilized his engineering training and real world experience to work hand-in-hand with weapons systems developers to advance the JUMP system to incorporate the latest technology in aerodynamics, propulsion and control. Over time, the development team added wing elements and lightweight rigid and flexible armor to the system to improve maneuverability and pilot protection. Through many iterations, they have also miniaturized much of the technology to provide more manageable weight and bulk to maximize flight duration. The latest version, the JUMP-AWS (Advanced Wing System) utilizes advanced technology, including helmet mounted displays, hands free controls and hydrogen cell power and propulsion, giving the JUMP-AWS unprecedented range and maneuverability.

Duke: "The JUMP-AWS has changed the game on the battlefield. JUMP is no longer just about short duration hops, but rather our current JUMP teams can air drop from safe distances and penetrate deep behind enemy lines, and still fight before the JUMP systems power down."

Side note: A disguised, deep cover Zarana recently stole one of the latest prototypes of the jet/wing system which has been co-opted, modified and is now in use by Raptor. The "bird man" has reportedly developed an uncomfortable fascination with it and refuses to part with it long enough for Destro's engineers to copy the technology for broader use by Cobra. It is said that the "gift" from Zarana has also led to Raptor's more closely associating himself with the Dreadnoks, and Zarana particularly.

Grand Slam in the JUMP-AWS system:
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
In case anyone needs some extras or spare parts, WM and AMZ have some of the less popular/overstocked CS and retros discounted right now.
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