Holy.....that is just plain AWESOME!!!! You'll also have a shipment coming from me soon too.
Great photos too.
I introduce to you..................'The Hemtt gun truck' by Digler and his Skunkwurks crew.
Thanks to a fan....I remembered to put gas and brake pedals in......
So I'll wait until the 'owner' gives me the go-ahead for the muddy version or not.......I'll do a little dio when I'm able to finish the 'Devils' rivals....if my 'shipment ever comes in.........................stay tuned for more.
Is he gonna battle damage it with those jagged cuts he's fond of?
THAT was the description I was looking for.
Accurately-depicted EFP damage FTW!
What it is like in prison
HFF....this is the last update and I'll be on the the next truck....thank you all for sticking It out with me here. This work has been received with open arms from all sites that I posted pics. Here are some pics I'll only share here and FB.....enjoy.
Well....they didn't break anything so....good job boys. Nice front page too folks. Stay tuned for the next one.....since ya know how they go together now, the updates for the truck won't come as much as the first one. Don't worry my face book page is updated with lots of stuff all the time(even more that here, where I've been spending most of my time).
Stay tuned Fellow Fighters....there is much more to come................
I'm just going to leave this here. You all know what to do: