you’ll buy more. Trust me
what pisses me off is we finally have figures worthy of jumping out of the super detailed BBI vehicles and they are nowhere to be found or you have to take out a loan to buy them on eBay. 1/18th has come back in a huge way the last 2 years between joy toy , marauders, hiya, chicken fried toys, boss fight and to an extent fortnite. Action force on the way and a ton of new stuff on the horizon such as the new 4” halo figures that are only 10 bucks a piece btw. Would make a good cheap enemy in dio scenes for anyone. What pisses me off to no end is they is no one, at all making realistic 1/18th vehicles anymore. At 1 time JSI, BBI, and new millennium toys were all operating at the same time frame giving us the goods. World peace keepers tries bless their heart and they def have staying power, but you think at least 1 company would see the opportunity and grab it by the balls with both hands. I wish I had a few mill laying around cause I would sure as shit buy those BBI molds and put some people to wi
Please let me know if you want to get rid of anything. I’ll be fair with you with price and such. Unless you jus plan on going full ass rape style on evil bay lol. I’m in central jersey