Soft- goods soldier

Scope UK, killuminati, Obi-Shinobi and RusForce- these are all people that really have a gift for soft goods in 1:18th scale. I really admire them for that. I'm glad they share their work.

I decided to give the glue method a try today. I've always sewn everything in the past.
It was a slow day at work, so I scavenged the store and found a bottle of fabric glue and a drop cloth. This is what I came up with (still some work to do. I'm hoping to find the left over rivets from Prime to add to the pouches. And painting. )....

I'm pleased so far, but am certainly open to feedback and or critiques.



Pioneer, Damn It!
Apr 6, 2011
York, PA
You need to use a thinner, and tighter weaved material, for starters. And for God's sake man... tone down those huge cuffs! :D He looks like some kind of a country hick.

A little tweaking here and there, and this could have some serious potential.