I don't know what I'm going for here really. Mostly, it's something to keep my mind busy at night.
Looks dang good...if you can find something to to work as a mic to connect to the ear of the headset, it'll make the cold weather ear protection look more like a mic headset
good thought Eddie...might have to add a mic to mine.
I was under the impression that it was a headset actually. I wasn't sure if Snowjob was into ear muffs or not.
I have a couple of ideas for a mic set up for him...so it's just a matter of execution I guess.
Thanks for all the comments. I don't see him being done for about another week if things stay the way they are at home.
Hey that looks pretty good, are you using a wash on the pants? If so how do you go about it?
I'm not sure if you were talking to me or to Lowlight, but if you were, I actually didn't use a wash. I painted the pants one solid color, then dry brushed three different colors on top of each other.
And now, I think I'm 'done' with him for now.
I added the mic, put together a rifle for him (I felt he was a bit old school, but with some modern zazz).
Ok, less words, more pictures.
Fantastic!...though the pouches seem to be leaning to the left, in the pics at least...I'd also hit the hair around the lips (giggidy!) with your blonde paint...