Head: Hasbro POC Dusty
Torso: bbi Navy Op Thomas
Neck: 21rst Century Special Forces Operator
Arms: Unimax Forces Of Valor Modern
Legs: bbi latest limited release Navy SEAL (comes with MH-60)
Weapons: Hasbro M4 with supressor removed.
Repainted from jacket up, complete black wash
Dust and original color dry brushing
The inspiration for my latest round of customs (The WolfePak) have come from this image of modern SEALs. From the book "No Easy Day"
Camoflague? We don't need no stinking camoflague. Just give me a damn brown jacket and tan pants. Of course I'm going to wear sneakers.
I wish I had a set of legs unbloused at the boot with a bottom half of the jacket. It was either this or unbloused without the bottom of the jacket.
Let me know your thoughts.
Torso: bbi Navy Op Thomas
Neck: 21rst Century Special Forces Operator
Arms: Unimax Forces Of Valor Modern
Legs: bbi latest limited release Navy SEAL (comes with MH-60)
Weapons: Hasbro M4 with supressor removed.
Repainted from jacket up, complete black wash
Dust and original color dry brushing

The inspiration for my latest round of customs (The WolfePak) have come from this image of modern SEALs. From the book "No Easy Day"
Camoflague? We don't need no stinking camoflague. Just give me a damn brown jacket and tan pants. Of course I'm going to wear sneakers.
I wish I had a set of legs unbloused at the boot with a bottom half of the jacket. It was either this or unbloused without the bottom of the jacket.
Let me know your thoughts.