I doubt we'll see 7 packs again as long as the sub service is going...why would they want to give us cheapish figures when they can charge $200-300 for a service with only 25% good figures?...and they're gonna need names to put in the service to draw for sells
Thats one of the reasons why I'm really starting to hate GI Joe collecting, and why they don't sell enough figures to parents. It's totally unaccesable to more casual people such as myself (if you could even call me that). Finding good stuff on the shelves is becoming too hard to do.
The subscription service pumps out one overpriced figure after another, and I don't understand the people who fall for that. I guess they're just chumps and suckers. When good figures are made, they're expensive Comi-con exclusives like Zaranna, or even worse, JoeCon case sets like the Oktober guard.
Maybe some of the Retaliation stuff will actually be worth their price tag, or at least go on sale.
P.S. I would not pay more then five bucks for that Letal figure in the new JoeCon set, and I never want something as ugly as the Cobra "Immortal" in my collection.