#Fighting118th #Samurai #GIJoe Time to take a look at what Budo looks like with some added paint and a few tweaks thanks to Officer Obi-Shinobi. Read More »
Tag Archives: samurai
Custom 1:18 Samurai Predator by Obi-Shinobi
Say what? You want a 1:18th scaled Predator to stalk your Joes? To pose with your cancelled JP figure, Recondo, Duke, and Spirit?(We all know they were designed after the characters from the movie!) Well, forum member Obi-Shinobi has done the hard part of putting one together, and I must say that it is fan-freaking-tastic! The figure evokes that subtle terror that the Yautja bring about, and I personally can see many a scenario with this beast skulking in the shadows, watching its prey, calculating their every move, until at last, it strikes! From the WIP thread for this piece, it seems that he’s using Microman parts for the armor, with MU arms modded onto a Frost Giant torso. The netting used is from a wedding veil, of all things! Superb modding, superb paintwork, and superb parts choices. ... Read More »