Here are some progress pics. Feel like I've turned the corner now that the cobblestone is done.
Goal is to have 4 (12 x 12) interchangeable sidewalks with 2 sided building facades. At 12x12 I can do some interior stuff looking through a room out and down into the intersection (especially now that I have a tripod my wife got me for xmass).
They will be put on 1/4 inch lifts to achieve a raised curb up from the street.
Then I can make additional facades that are 12" x 24" for wharehouse and downtown buildings that can have the face along the street and short lengths on each side of facade.
The other 3 parts of the intersection that don't have street extensions, I plan to make (plain asphalt, dirt and cratered asphalt.
Check out the 1:18 Border Patrol truck my Mom got me. She's so funny. I guess I can do that Al Qeda sneaking across the Mexican / US border dio.
I need a good imprint for the sewer cap.