To celebrate the death of Bin Laden, the theme for this month will be the SEAL raid on his compound. Have fun with guys, it doesn't have to be accurate, it can be Stormtroopers or Spartans exploding his skull if that's your thing.
Entries must be in by 11pm on Friday the 27th and voting will start Saturday morning.
Please do not post a picture in this thread if you do not want it considered for entry. If you change your mind, please delete it by the deadline.
Photos should be 920x322, all entries not meeting this criteria will be cropped by me to what I feel looks best.
Think of the logo and dog tags when you are taking your pics. It never looks right when figures or vehicles are covered by these items.
Entries must be in by 11pm on Friday the 27th and voting will start Saturday morning.
Please do not post a picture in this thread if you do not want it considered for entry. If you change your mind, please delete it by the deadline.
Photos should be 920x322, all entries not meeting this criteria will be cropped by me to what I feel looks best.
Think of the logo and dog tags when you are taking your pics. It never looks right when figures or vehicles are covered by these items.