Are you guys sure the slick and the model with the grenade launcher have different nose sculpts? THey look the same to me....
Wonder if the 21st Century brand is still on the starboard side stabilator?
I really should get back to work on mine. Kinda feel like I'm letting the forum down on it.
Got my Huey today from Badcat.. seems like the airframe is a different color than it used to be, they also added some sort of 'weathering' where there are silver flecks in different spots of the helicopter to represent paint chips I suppose.
I don't have the space or time to open it up and inspect closely, but hopefully someone else here can.
Comes in a Merit branded box, no real mention of JSI at all, which is interesting.
Poor Huey...gonna get locked up in storage with the rest of your collection without ever being set free from its box
Of course it is! What's the chinese symbol for "Go f#$% yourself!" ?
Pretending everything is cool until your trillions and trillions of dollars in debt to them?
What did these cost to ship in the continental US? I see they're still readily available online.
Pickel's maybe doing blades has me pricing a UH-1C with a Y rotor system project.
JSI is just reusing 21st's old molds. I'm of the opinion that the plastic is still the same/similar, but someone with a 21st example of a given model would have to chime in on that score. I've got 3 21st UH-1Cs and they've all got some bit broken off because of the plastic.
I'd feel much better about a Bbi helo doing an "autorotation" into the floor than a JSI one, though.
I have a cobra and had to do a couple of super glue repairs