Club Sub 1.0 Update


"Big Guns"
That's the issue. No one is being taken advantage of! BBTS is not a monopoly. They ask a certain price, and either you're willing to pay it or you are not. It's very different from the club where they are the ONLY place to get certain things, and they charge ass-raping prices (yes, I understand about exclusives and small production runs). THAT is lousy. But BBTS just charges what they think the market can stand. That's how supply and demand work.

I guess I'm trying to figure out who you think is being taken advantage of. Who is this little guy you speak of that has no choice but to pay BBTS's "dick" prices? There are lots of etailers that charge way more than BBTS, like Toywiz and Brian's Toys. They are always higher, and they don't offer the PoL feature, so their shipping ends up being way higher too. I don't bust on those other guys because that's their right, to charge what they think they can get. If they can stay in business charging more, then more power to them. Clearly in that case, someone is willing to pay it.

I have no personal stake in BBTS, but I've always felt they've done me right. And if I didn't like their prices, I was free to go elsewhere. I understand your dislike of some of their prices. I don't always like their prices either. But if they can actually sell the product at those prices, then I don't get mad at them. I'm simply sad that the market for that product is more than I'm willing to pay. That's my problem, not BBTS's problem.

Long story short, it's not personal; it's just that I cannot comprehend why someone would be mad at a company for trying to maximize profit.
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gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I guess you're right about me appearing mad at them...for some reason I seem to be taking it personal too...

I guess what's made me bitter was that I was oblivious for so many years that I was one of the suckers who didn't know better...I thought they were the bestest!...I shouted from the rooftops how great they were...never doing my homework and trusting others opinions...foolish...and THAT'S the very reason I occasionally let it be known that they are NOT the Gods a lot of people think they let the guys who might be like I used to be and are getting taken advantage of but don't know it yet...I'm just trying to educate the same way I found some vocal minority that was willing to stand up among the BBTS zombies and point out that they aren't as great as everyone thinks they are...

*steps away from podium*



"Big Guns"
Ok, I get that you might not always like their price, but I don't think I've ever felt "taken". When you order your your 3rd party TFs from another place, and save $5, and then spend an extra $10 on shipping, I struggle to see how BBTS is bad or how you're coming out ahead by going another route. But that's your biz. To each his own.

However, for the sake of discussion, I guess I'd be interested to hear an example of where you got suckered. I know they're often higher than retail, but I've never felt like they were trying to pull something.

No offense, IMO. ;)


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Lol, no offence taken...this isn't HT...we can talk as if we were in person having a normal adult conversation...I'm assuming your "tone" is one of HT one would almost always assume angst...too much butthurting when you do that...

Anyway, I rarely used the POL as I wanted my toys there wasn't any savings there for fact, checking prices between BBTS and Captured Prey when the new Fansproject Stunticons were released, CP was cheaper in both price and shipping...I don't recall the actual prices, but it was within a few bucks...

The example that sticks out in my mind the most is for one TFC figure...

Robot kingdom price shipped to my door is $93 per figure (there's even a cheaper shipping option I don't use)

BBTS price BEFORE shipping is $99

Everything else I've priced from RK (in Hong Kong) shipped to me has always been cheaper than BBTS AND it comes two weeks sooner...

Then there's the Zaranas...Clubs price, $15...BBTS put up preorders for $30 (then $35, then $39)...a 100%+ mark up...really?!

There's gotta be a ton more examples, and I realize they aren't the only ones that do do it, but that doesn't mean I'll defend their actions...profit, I get that...but they are more often than not beyond simple profit...

There's supply and demand, and there's benifing from desperate and ignorant customers...I like to think there's a difference...


"Big Guns"
HA, I threw in the "no offense" and "IMO" because of the things-that-irritate-you thread. They don't even make sense together. Haven't you been paying attention?! :) In no way did I expect you to be offended. You kill me eddie!

A $6 difference on a $100 figure is hardly cause for getting out the pitchforks...

It's not BBTS's job to discern who is informed or how intent they are on obtaining a product. "desperate and ignorant" is not their problem...

---------------------------Just for fun------------------------------------

Let's stretch that organized labor brain of yours for a minute. Indulge me......

Let's say you run Eddie's Toys. You've just gotten a shipment of 100 ultra-rare Mrs Eddie blow-up dolls to sell. Here are your pricing options:

1) At $20, they sell out.
2) At $30, you'd sell 75 of them.
3) At $40, you'd sell 40 of them.
4) At $80, you'd sell only two. (It's just not THAT much better than the Mrs Monkeywrench doll)

- They cost you $15 each from the factory.
- WM, on the rare occasion they can get stock, sells them for $20.

By the way, you have two kids, Obama has doubled your self-pay health care insurance premiums over the past four years, and your toy warehouse union has demanded a 12% pay increase and a better dental plan. Electricity costs are up, as are building rents, shipping costs, and you're not sure if you'll get any more Mrs Eddie dolls due to labor unrest in Sierra Gordo.

What do you charge? What can you charge and still sleep at night? Are you aware of how badly some guy in his mom's basement really wants a Mrs Eddie doll? Is he aware that if he stalks WM on the third thursday of even numbered months, he might get one for $20 plus tax?

What. Do. You. Charge? (show your work!)


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
nacho said:
1) At $20, they sell out.
2) At $30, you'd sell 75 of them.
3) At $40, you'd sell 40 of them.
4) At $80, you'd sell only two. (It's just not THAT much better than the Mrs Monkeywrench doll)

Haha...I gotcha...guess I'd like to think I'd be able to sell them at $30, make a couple hundred extra and discount the remaining 25...BUT, I'm not sure i could do that...I'd be a horrible businessmen because I'd feel guilty...heck, I'd feel guilty if I was Target selling Joes for $10 each when I know good and well that I only paid $4...

In the future, can we not have this discussion anymore?'s tearing us apart! *weeps into hands* :D


"Big Guns"
Ah, I know, but I think it's healthy. I'm forced to examine why I think the way I do and what economic forces I think are at work. I own my own business, so I have to think about shit like this all the time. I worry about my product, my competition, and try to get into the heads of my customers. Marketing, pricing, supply... what works, what doesn't.

I wouldn't ever price them @ $80 because I wouldn't want to be a d!ck. And I wouldn't want my store's name slandered as a scalper by toy nerds on the interwebs. I'd sell them for $40 to 40 customers, have a sale in a couple of months at $30 and sell to another 35, and in another few months, clearance the rest at $20.

-If you sold them all at $20, you'd make only $500 in profit. That might cover the higher electric bill, but you'd probably have to have a layoff.

-If you sold them in a sliding fashion, you'd make $1650 in profit. Your children and employees would rejoice.

It's good for you to think outside the union box now and then! But I know it's uncomfortable, so I'll let it slide.... for a while. ;)


Mar 14, 2011
-Cover Girl
-Barrel Roll
-Sure Fire

-Big Boa
-Iron Klaw

That's what I had^^


Isn't a Gijoe fan
Apr 4, 2012
the land of Virginia
I got a question for those who are a member of the club. Apparently the Falcon will utilize new tooling and what not. If the figure itself looks good, would someone pick up an extra for me? I'll gladly pay for it if it's not much.


Mar 15, 2011
Smallville, IL
I got a question for those who are a member of the club. Apparently the Falcon will utilize new tooling and what not. If the figure itself looks good, would someone pick up an extra for me? I'll gladly pay for it if it's not much.
I dunno, they seem to sell out fast on the club store. I was going to try to get another Big Boa for a buddy but I had no chance. If Falcon is using new tooling then he will be popular.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
I got a question for those who are a member of the club. Apparently the Falcon will utilize new tooling and what not. If the figure itself looks good, would someone pick up an extra for me? I'll gladly pay for it if it's not much.

Whatchu talking about Willis? (You're too young to even get that, I bet!)

If it's the Night Force Falcon of which you speak, I don't think we've seen anything yet. But from what I recall from rumor (read: don't hang much hope on that) is that it will use newer tooling, whether that means "new" tooling or what.

I'd imagine it will use nothing literally new as far as unique tooling, but I guess it could. I'd rather them utilize new tooling elsewhere on figures that need it, like Keel-Haul or Tollbooth, etc. I assume it'll use a build similar to Footloose with maybe POC/30th legs, and the head/beret/neckerchief from the 7-pack "Marauders" Falcon. Or it could be a total repaint of that figure, but I bet they'll use the older Falcon webgear at least.

I dunno, they seem to sell out fast on the club store. I was going to try to get another Big Boa for a buddy but I had no chance. If Falcon is using new tooling then he will be popular.

^ And this. Although I'd be willing to say he won't include any new tooling, but I hope he looks good. What we need is a normal-deco Falcon that doesn't suck. We still haven't gotten that in the modern build, yet.


Isn't a Gijoe fan
Apr 4, 2012
the land of Virginia
Haha I picked that up Willis ;)

And yea, I understand what both of you are saying, if he's sold out I won't feel too bad, I got a custom Falcon that fits the bill for me. But apparently they did say at JC there will be something new about it. Hell, just take Footloose and slap the 7 pack Falcon head on him.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
reports are coming in that Grunt and CG are in wave 5

Also, it sounds like Grunt's "new" head sculpt is actually just AOCI 7-pack Zap's head, cast in a lighter flesh tone and with no mustache. I can't find it, but I swear that Grunt was described as having a "new" head when this was first announced.

But hey, at least they at least reused a 25th head and didn't give us the 1982 version modded for the 25th torso. :rolleyes:

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Oh, and Grunt's neck isn't painted. I only wanted him to swap heads on my custom Grunt since I thought it was a new head, but fuck that. He's going up For Sell. :)

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
That Gung-Ho they showed at JoeCon, along with Leatherneck, Destro, and RnR, are some of the MOST needed figures to be redone in the ME format. Besides them, I'd say Falcon, Duke, Roadblock, Flint, Scarlett and Hawk all deserve to be redone before we get guys like Random-Viper or whatever rehashed.

25th Hawk is perhaps passable, and maybe the Resolute Roadblock and Scarlett are close enough, but all those dudes based off the original 25th Duke torso (Flint, Falcon, and Duke) desperately need new figures.

I'm hoping beyond hope that we get some of those guys in a multi-pack for SDCC, as the SDCC figures generally use new tooling and are worth the cost.

I don't wanna see the Club handle ANY of those guys.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
The new FSS figures or whatever.. grunt and covergirl? Meh.

Oh, right. Covergirl isn't perfect, but she's pretty good. They needed to make her upper torso a lighter color of tan, and her hair is a really strange color.

They can't seem to get red hair the right fucking color. It's not burgundy, fire engine red, or fucking orange. But Hasbro seems to think so, just like "blond" is sometimes "sunshine yellow".

Although the parts choice for her is pretty good. I wish we'd gotten a Sunbow accurate head but since I don't have that Comic Pack CG/Sparta head in my collection, I'm okay with it.

I was looking forward to Grunt because I thought he was advertised as having a new head sculpt, but he's fairly worthless to me now. He doesn't even look good carded because of the fucking neck paint issue.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Just got my two sets in.

One Grunt had a pretty flawless card, but I still don't think I wanna keep the opener, now, though.

Both Covergirls have issues with the cards, though. One's bent and the other one has glue splattered all over the card, but the card itself isn't bent. I can't figure out which one to open...