Is it useable for an "un-smashed" vehicle...or is it like, totally obliterated?
Mine are still boxed.
Anyone have the push cart from the Mass Device DVD set?
Trying to find a renegades Duke torso
Correction to my earlier want...
Not only do I need Barbeques knees, but I also need either his lower or upper arms...
I specifically need the orange parts...
for Velma's knee high socks?
If so, what about 25th Roadblock or Renegades Roadblock for a bigger set? Would need a slightly Oranger paint but rub wouldn't look bad.
I don't know what all them bits are on the right, but I want them too!
If those are Joe sets, that's why I don't know...typically I find little use for anything Hasbro does outside of the figures...
If those are Joe sets, that's why I don't know...typically I find little use for anything Hasbro does outside of the figures...
I don't know what all them bits are on the right, but I want them too!