This will show you how to size the banner pic without distorting it using windows built in MS Paint (win7).
1 - open picture in MS paint. Hit select in toolbar and than select all. Move mouse over the picture and right click. select resize photo. hit the pixel button and change Horizontal to 920. The height will automatically adjust correctly. The width is now perfect, height is not yet. The frame did not move, we need to move it now. Move the horizontal frame, not the picture, to the edge of the picture. Down at the bottom (circled in pic) will show you the exact pixel count. Move it till its at 922.
2- You can adjust what part of the pic you want by hitting select all again and moving the picture up or down. Frame wont move, just the picture. Now you can use the lower frame and raise up until it hits 322. This one sometimes takes a few tries to get the picture exactly where you want. Edit-undo is your friend here.
3 - make sure the pixel count down at bottom is at 920x322.
That's it, pretty simple. no distortion.
Now if you do not want the entire width of you picture, do this.
1- Hit select all in toolbar, move picture and eyeball what you want seen in between the 920x322 ruler marks (circles above and on side in reference pic), keep it a little bigger.
2- move the horizontal and verticle frame till it hits 920x322 (circled at bottom in reference pic)
and done
Apple Users - http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20034984-263.html I do not have an apple so couldn't test this. looks like the same methods above can be done with the apple software in its built in preview viewer.
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