NSA Q&A August Questions


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
There's "new on the block" street whores and then there's "old-timers".

He wasn't workin' with the fresh'uns.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I vote him as "most likely to be found face down in a gutter ravaged by syphilis and drowned in his own bloody vomit." :D

And I seriously doubt he owns half what he claims to, unless he managed to scam them from other poor souls...


Mar 13, 2011
Southern California
He's shown pictures of his 'toy rooms' and they are pretty impressive, as far as toy rooms go I suppose.

I think he scammed lots of people (including Hisstank members), so I don't think its out of the realm of possibility that he does have all that crap..


Mar 14, 2011
When are you (Hasbro) going to give us the common courtesy for a reach around? You Bastards.

On a more series note, What's the process or Idea for deciding What figure's get a Varient/"running" change. Like the Wave 5 Blowtorch and wave 6 Crockmaster.
(If this has been asked before then ignore.)


Mar 14, 2011
Yes, and Big Jim is on to something it's fun adding you bastard(s) to the end.


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
Why was the armor on wave 4 Destro and the Iron Grenadier different colors than their uniforms? With a simple parts swap between the two they look perfect on the other figure.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
• (2011 SDCC Exclusive) Zarana has a blond mohawk now. Where'd this come from? It was always pink in the cartoon and on the original figure.

• With "variants" or running changes such as Crocmaster and Blowtorch making their way into our hands into revision cases in the future, is there a chance that we'll see the upcoming Law & Order in more vintage deco as a similar running change/variant? In a previous Q&A, the design team stated that their intent was to release a more vintage version first of any figure before a modernized update, and while the figure is reminiscent of the ARAH figure, he's the most updated of the "ARAH" figures in the upcoming 30th lineup and is the most changed.


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
Why does the design team rather make multiple color variants instead of a new figure? (I won't let the Data Viper go)

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Why does the design team rather make multiple color variants instead of a new figure? (I won't let the Data Viper go)

Cause color is an easy change. They didn't even bother to change the box art! New figures involve new molds.

I wish they'd consider bringing back 2-packs or doing "deluxe" figures like they are doing with Cap, so we could maybe see something like the Data-Viper that way... If it's going to cost more to make, then charge more. They could even fill a few gaps with shit like extra gear with some troop-builders, something like a mini-accessory pack.

I dunno, that's the nerd in me talking. Not that they'd ever do it...


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
that data viper looked gay anyway

Yea, because figures that are dated 25 years ago look way better. :rolleyes: Go buy some O ring figures if you people want nostalgia. Let's get something new for christs sake! Damn man children wanting the same thing from when you were kids. You are all killing the line!!! :p


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
It just always amazes me that big H says they want the line geared towards kids since that is what will have to make the money yet they make the old figures for everyone that grew up on GI Joe. They eventually have to come up with some new ideas to keep the line going or they might as well just kill it off. Technology has changed in 25 years. A laser trooper in neon green isn't going into battle. A dude with every hacking devise, a self defense shoulder missile system and a damn drone is!! A drone for f$#ks sake!! That is the coolest thing since internet porn!!

I'm surprised Lifeline doesn't come with a Bush/Quale pin to show when his outfit and gear were last used. Even the techno viper is going to be dated a bit. He needs better tools and colors. You fix a vehicle wearing purple in the field and guess what? You might as well put a bullseye on your chest. There is enough fictional stuff out there with MU, Bukake (or whatever the hell those toys are) and movie lines. Let's get some cool ass soldiers to actually do stuff! PTE does it with vehicles and they seem to get rid of product just fine. The figures suck but they have function.

So my next question will be, why do you send mixed signals with the GI Joe line? If it's for kids then take some gambles but if you are gearing towards adults then just commit to online so the stores can have worthless product therefore giving us all no reason to go into them.



gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
that data viper looked gay anyway

your gaydar going crazy?

Yea, because figures that are dated 25 years ago look way better. :rolleyes: Go buy some O ring figures if you people want nostalgia. Let's get something new for christs sake! Damn man children wanting the same thing from when you were kids. You are all killing the line!!! :p

like i said before, the only Joe fans that want something modern and realistic are here, us 12 guys (including me, i want both)...alll other Joe fans want the dated stuff

They eventually have to come up with some new ideas to keep the line going or they might as well just kill it off.

they did come up with new stuff...RoC - BOMBED!!!...PoC - awesome stuff but got f*@#ed over cause RoC stunk up the stores and scared them...and now a movie is (supposedly) coming back killing any momentum PoC or Renegades had/coulda had...its a shame...

So my next question will be, why do you send mixed signals with the GI Joe line? If it's for kids then take some gambles but if you are gearing towards adults then just commit to online so the stores can have worthless product therefore giving us all no reason to go into them.

lol, good question...some re-wording may be needed...though i am all for asking them d!cky questions even if they don't answer them


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
Well they actually took the existing property and made it shit with ROC. It was too sci fi. There really isn't much modern military type stuff besides elite force out there. They have a bunch of fantasy lines as it is. Perhaps go towards something a bit more realistic.

ROC did destroy what could have been but I also feel the theme they gave it did not help. Granted, a horrible movie did not make product move but it was just too far out there and way too much product. It seems that the new stuff like POC is pretty popular with most of the fans. The ARAH stuff will of course get the old school heads happy but where are they trying to draw in new blood with that? If a kid has a parent that likes it then it may work but how many situations like that will there be? It just seems like more of a send off before the last bomb is dropped with the next movie line. Kind of "thanks for all the years, here's one more bone and then the dream is over after the next failure on the big screen".

Big Jim

Thread Derailer
Mar 15, 2011
Occupied PRK
Cause color is an easy change. They didn't even bother to change the box art! New figures involve new molds.

I wish they'd consider bringing back 2-packs or doing "deluxe" figures like they are doing with Cap, so we could maybe see something like the Data-Viper that way... If it's going to cost more to make, then charge more. They could even fill a few gaps with shit like extra gear with some troop-builders, something like a mini-accessory pack.

I dunno, that's the nerd in me talking. Not that they'd ever do it...

Seeing as the movie line is awhile away is it possible that we may get deluxe figures like in the recent marvel movie lines? As data viper was deemed too expensive for a single card could this be a way to get him to the fans?


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
they really need to stick with one direction period...theres just no consistancy except names...

anyway, going old school isn't really bad te way they are doing it now...look at Low Light, PoC Viper trooper Crazy Legs...AMAZING figures!...i think the key is to go old school with the same levell of detail and mute the classic colors...Lifeline, Airtight and Sci-Fi are incredible looking figures, but they could stand to be toned down...


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
Crazy Legs actually is stagnant at the wal mart I go to. Croc Master actually sold out while he sits. Low Light was a home run and the extra gear made him even better. The molds for the Viper and trooper are cool but I just wish the colors were different.

They have the consistency of diaper fillings with what they have done to GI Joe since the 25th line. Once the movie stuff comes out they can over produce that and tell us to eff' off. I'm just glad I got the POC stuff for dioramas before they screw the pooch. That new Hawk is killer! Stuff like that would be great especially if they did the mutable heads. Less packaging for more product. It's like buying two figures or more and getting more mileage out of a good mold. Too bad they are going away from environmental themes. They were awesome!


Mar 14, 2011
It just always amazes me that big H says they want the line geared towards kids since that is what will have to make the money yet they make the old figures for everyone that grew up on GI Joe. They eventually have to come up with some new ideas to keep the line going or they might as well just kill it off. Technology has changed in 25 years. A laser trooper in neon green isn't going into battle. A dude with every hacking devise, a self defense shoulder missile system and a damn drone is!! A drone for f$#ks sake!! That is the coolest thing since internet porn!!

I'm surprised Lifeline doesn't come with a Bush/Quale pin to show when his outfit and gear were last used. Even the techno viper is going to be dated a bit. He needs better tools and colors. You fix a vehicle wearing purple in the field and guess what? You might as well put a bullseye on your chest. There is enough fictional stuff out there with MU, Bukake (or whatever the hell those toys are) and movie lines. Let's get some cool ass soldiers to actually do stuff! PTE does it with vehicles and they seem to get rid of product just fine. The figures suck but they have function.

So my next question will be, why do you send mixed signals with the GI Joe line? If it's for kids then take some gambles but if you are gearing towards adults then just commit to online so the stores can have worthless product therefore giving us all no reason to go into them.


Well they actually took the existing property and made it shit with ROC. It was too sci fi. There really isn't much modern military type stuff besides elite force out there. They have a bunch of fantasy lines as it is. Perhaps go towards something a bit more realistic.

ROC did destroy what could have been but I also feel the theme they gave it did not help. Granted, a horrible movie did not make product move but it was just too far out there and way too much product. It seems that the new stuff like POC is pretty popular with most of the fans. The ARAH stuff will of course get the old school heads happy but where are they trying to draw in new blood with that? If a kid has a parent that likes it then it may work but how many situations like that will there be? It just seems like more of a send off before the last bomb is dropped with the next movie line. Kind of "thanks for all the years, here's one more bone and then the dream is over after the next failure on the big screen".

who is this and what did you do with MB?


Mar 14, 2011
here's the thing. kids don't want joes so why waste the time making new figures and updating them for the "future". Make the figs that we want. I want updates on all figs from 82-89 and I want them done right like Low Light was done. Fuck Data Viper and Zombie Viper. Give me Zandar.


Size matters
Staff member
Mar 13, 2011
Here's one:

Kids seem to be more into electronics anymore. How do you plan on getting them involved in action figures such as GI Joe so that the line stays healthy?


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Why does the design team rather make multiple color variants instead of a new figure? (I won't let the Data Viper go)

This was almost certainly a management decision, out of the hands of designers.

that data viper looked gay anyway

That's rich coming from a Dreadnok fan, ;)

here's the thing. kids don't want joes so why waste the time making new figures and updating them for the "future". Make the figs that we want. I want updates on all figs from 82-89 and I want them done right like Low Light was done. Fuck Data Viper and Zombie Viper. Give me Zandar.

"We"? Who is this "we"? A bunch of 30+ year-olds that hang out on toy sites? Figures "we" want? I'm pretty fucking pleased with the likes of Shock Trooper and wave 3 Snake Eyes. If i want to stroke my nostalgic dick I've got a box of 17+ year-old figures to do so. I don't want or need to repeat some frankly tired ass designs and character concepts that sucked even when they were new.

The sense of entitlement from some of you fellas stuck in the '80s is amusing.

And here's a emoticon so no one gets butt-hurt or takes this as an overly-scathing opine: :D
Last edited:


Mar 14, 2011
"We"? Who is this "we"? A bunch of 30+ year-olds that hang out on toy sites? Figures "we" want? I'm pretty fucking pleased with the likes of Shock Trooper and wave 3 Snake Eyes. If i want to stroke my nostalgic dick I've got a box of 17+ year-old figures to do so. I don't want or need to repeat some frankly tired ass designs and character concepts that sucked even when they were new.

The sense of entitlement from some of you fellas stuck in the '80s is amusing.

And here's a emoticon so no one gets butt-hurt or takes this as an overly-scathing opine: :D

I passed on both of the figures that you mentioned. I only buy the classic remakes. I don't care for o-rings and in fact won't touch them with a ten foot pole. I like to stroke my nostalgic dick with great updates.

As far as "we" the 30+ year olds on toy sites, in case you haven't figured it out, were the only people who buy this shit. Yea, of course some kids play with Joes but most of them only have them cuz there dad played with joes 25 years ago.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
"Great Updates"? 3/4s of the 25th figures were crap, on par or even worse than their ARAH counterparts.

Sure you got Low Light. Thank god he came out in the PoC era. I imagine his 25th would have sucked.

I may wager to say that the only good ARAH retreads we're getting ARE all PoC era.


odd man out !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 15, 2011
blasdell ny
oh i want updated stuff but i love the classic look also. the data viper would of been cool but hasbro pulls the plug on shit as its not towards kids as they say they know us collectors are the back bone of the line. i think the best thing they did was res now it was a great blend of new and old. poc has been a hit and miss for most of the line.

why dose hasbro feel the need to change the line every yr to 2 yrs now? why cant they stick with what the 80s did and have the line grow under the same banner. ie just like the 30anny line keep that card back and just put a sub name like res,poc& roc2 and give us alittle bit of everything new and classic joes under one banner ?


odd man out !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 15, 2011
blasdell ny
Here's one:

Kids seem to be more into electronics anymore. How do you plan on getting them involved in action figures such as GI Joe so that the line stays healthy?

reword that to this

kids now a days are more in to online video games then toys so How do you plan on getting them involved in action figures such as GI Joe so that the line stays and grows ?


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Here's one:

Kids seem to be more into electronics anymore. How do you plan on getting them involved in action figures such as GI Joe so that the line stays healthy?

i think that question should definitly be asked...thought the response will most likely be "no answer" :rolleyes:

"We"? Who is this "we"?

And here's a emoticon so no one gets butt-hurt or takes this as an overly-scathing opine: :D

"we", as everyone knows, is like 98% of the 30+yr old Joe fans...

love the disclaimer :D

I only buy the classic remakes. I don't care for o-rings and in fact won't touch them with a ten foot pole. I like to stroke my nostalgic dick with great updates.

obviously i'm the same way MW...


Mar 14, 2011
I'm fairly new to the line, just over a year. So looking at this as a new customer going into an Isle I want current looking stuff based on today and near futuren not WWII looking uniforms in purple or orange.

The new poc does that for the most part except for the likes of blow torch in bright yellow.

Still waiting on a line that looks like tour of duty characters


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I don't think there's too big a market for Vietnam stuff these days, most people don't care anymore, and kids probably can't articulate any of the facts about that war these days anyway.

They can't even articulate what the fucking Declaration of Independence is.


Mar 14, 2011
Eh, who really cares they will just reboot the line in a year. Side note, I like O-rings.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Worded a bit long, so edit as you feel necessary...

Q1: Clearly, most Joe fans are 30+ year old man-children stuck in the 1980s, and have no clue how to run a business, and often talk about how Hasbro doesn't know what they're doing in running a business. Clearly, Hasbro is not run by retards and most of this is just senseless complaining, but there are often some decisions that even boggle the more sensible of us fans (and I use the term loosely), such as the following: Why, besides when tied to a movie line (i.e. ROC and its inevitable sequel) are the toys that are produced to go along with a media tie-in (such as a cartoon like Resolute and Renegades, for example) released so far from the publication of the series? With Resolute we got a few figures and then months later we finally got a cartoon, which clearly wasn't aimed at kids and was stated by Hasbro as intended as a one-shot, so maybe that doesn't count... But with Renegades, the show is clearly geared towards kids but will already stop showing new episodes by the time the toys are on shelves (months later). That seems like a really, really bad release schedule, and we're curious why these can't be synchronized a little better.

This one's a saver only if SDCC produces no new info on them...

Q2: Those 7-packs, be blunt. Are these happening, or have they been reallocated elsewhere? We're big kids (literally) but we'd like an answer instead of keeping our fingers crossed that more awesome 7-packs show up as internet exclusives to help fill in the gaps in our vintage "25th-style" collections.


Molon Labe!
Mar 15, 2011
They can't even articulate what the fucking Declaration of Independence is.

So I guess this means I shouldn't ask MAJ Blood to inquire about a MSG Robert S. Savage action figure in the future GI Joe waves? ;)



Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
PoC and Resolute (at least most of the [non-recycled] characters from each) Joes/Cobras have been the best of what H'bro has put out in the past 5 years, by far. Why? Because many of them are modernized, but with homage paid to the originals. Why can't we H'bro just settle on this approach and run with it? Full production of all new or using limited selective creatively reused parts, unique characters, lots of gear, and a few well designed/properly scaled vehicles per year? Is it really that hard to do?


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Worded a bit long, so edit as you feel necessary...

Q1: Clearly, most Joe fans are 30+ year old man-children stuck in the 1980s, and have no clue how to run a business, and often talk about how Hasbro doesn't know what they're doing in running a business. Clearly, Hasbro is not run by retards and most of this is just senseless complaining, but there are often some decisions that even boggle the more sensible of us fans (and I use the term loosely), such as the following: Why, besides when tied to a movie line (i.e. ROC and its inevitable sequel) are the toys that are produced to go along with a media tie-in (such as a cartoon like Resolute and Renegades, for example) released so far from the publication of the series? With Resolute we got a few figures and then months later we finally got a cartoon, which clearly wasn't aimed at kids and was stated by Hasbro as intended as a one-shot, so maybe that doesn't count... But with Renegades, the show is clearly geared towards kids but will already stop showing new episodes by the time the toys are on shelves (months later). That seems like a really, really bad release schedule, and we're curious why these can't be synchronized a little better.

This one's a saver only if SDCC produces no new info on them...

Q2: Those 7-packs, be blunt. Are these happening, or have they been reallocated elsewhere? We're big kids (literally) but we'd like an answer instead of keeping our fingers crossed that more awesome 7-packs show up as internet exclusives to help fill in the gaps in our vintage "25th-style" collections.

if these questions DON'T get asked, you all WILL regret it...i promise...duhn duhn duhnnnnnnn


Mar 14, 2011
Rex there has to be one retard at Hasbro or a really good salesman that can convince them wave after wave Destro will sell.

I can see him now in the board meeting. "Seriously we'll give him a Nazi uniform then a ice fishing drill and if that doesn't work we'll just make him look like a transformer