Haha. It'll happen man. I can't blame folks for trying, I guess. Or maybe I just won't let a missing order or two from a caster get under my skin that bad. Or maybe I've just spent so much on collecting and customizing, that a lost $100 here or there doesn't matter anymore. Or because I lost everything I owned in a fire half a decade ago and realize real property/money "loss" in the hobby, that I stopped being mad at lost orders here and there. I mean I still get mad as hell at the various delivery services for being fuckups when I order from online retailers, and I know some people think Jesse is blowing smoke up their asses about the Post Office fucking up his orders, but if he has luck like me, then it is very possible, as ridiculous as it sounds.
I don't think that all his issues are based on the Post Office, but I know he's had issues with them losing his orders before. I don't really believe in karma but I do believe in some sort of... "evil luck" or some shit that happens to stick to some folks. I have some of the worst damned "luck" of anyone I know, and it may sound like made-up bullshit with some of the stories I've told over the years, but shit happens. Sometimes more to some folks.
I am happy that this is a forum for folks to air grievances without being banned or with the threat of threads being shut down, but everyone's got to police themselves a little more, folks. It's a hobby, stop ruining it for everyone else and making it unenjoyable by constantly bitching about your missing parts.
You'll either get them, or you won't. That's it. You took a gamble by buying online from some guy you'd likely never met in person, selling some shit that infringes on (or without care happily tap-dances all over) intellectual property, and there was ALWAYS a risk in making that purchase and not seeing it. This is in no way a knock on these guys, as I fully, whole-heartedly encourage every single caster out there selling original casts or straight-up copies of official products as it strengthens the customizing/collecting hobby. But it is what it is, and I realize that, and the risks involved.
But Past 45 or 90 days, or whatever the Paypal limit is, you're really out of luck on filing any claims, and what are you going to do? Go cry to the fucking BBB over an online seller? Cry to the mods of the site you were on where you first saw the seller post, and have them rally against that seller and then ruin the hobby for everyone else by banning ALL CASTERS? The squeaky wheel may get the oil in real life, but enough pestering online and all it's going to do is get you forgotten entirely out of spite, or moved to the back of the queue.
I wonder how many folks on all the Joe sites act towards waitstaff at restaurants who fuck up their orders and send it back. I laugh at how much DNA and human waste some of them have consumed in their lives after bitching out the wrong waiter.