Ok let me start out by saying, I have not posted with any news, because I had no good news to post. The reason why this project along with Slayer Cast store shut down, was solely on my shoulders. The problem was and has been, one I have dealt with, for more then 7 years.
Going to try and give the long and short of it the best I can, then explain where I am going with this post.
Some of you have been in the know of my life for the last 6 to 7 years. While others of you are clueless. So let me shed as much light as I can.
The short, 2007, I developed tumors that I had to have removed from behind both my eyes. These caused massive headaches, problems with my vision, and the worry it could turn into cancer. I spent the better part of 2 years with that, and beat it. Flash forward to 2009/2010. I was in the middle of one of my biggest months with Slayer, and one of our biggest sales, I started to have trouble with headaches, and pain in my neck and chest. I head to the doctors like anyone would. I am told have new tumors and that treatment and more tests are needed. I find out these are cancerous and need to be removed, only just cutting them out would not be enough, I would have to do treatment as well. And so I started treatment, kept working at my Pizza shop, kept chipping away at catching up on Slayer and all the work it involved. It was very rocky, and it caused much delays, but I managed to get back on track and keep my life and both businesses running.
Almost another year goes by, and I begin to have some issues again, this time much faster do the symptoms come on, and shut me down again. The warning signs were not there, it just happened, and just like that, My online business and my real life came to a screaming halt. I was hospitalized, and told immediate treatment was necessary. Thus came the end of Slayer, and any and all projects I had going on. This time I was not able to simply work thru the motions.
During the time of my treatment, I had no income coming in from Slayer Or my Pizza Shop. I had stepped away from my Pizza Shop and gave Slayer and doing mold and cast work my full attention. Being that I was in remission and not had any issues with my health, I thought it was a good time. I mean you get scare for your life, and suddenly you start to wonder what you want to do with your life. Me I wanted to make toys, and bring sculpts to this hobby that we would never see, both for ARAH and Modern sculpts. So when I got sick for the third time, that was the nail to finish me. I had tumors yet again in my head, in my neck, I had kidney failure and well...things just didn't look good.
What did all that have to do with the club, hopefully you will see that I didn't plan to get sick, I didn't ask for it, and I sure didn't want to go out like that. But that's what happen. So that brings us to the now.
Yeah Dave we know all this, you told us all. The problems, the downfall...so what right?
Well here is where I am at as of this day. I am back in remission, and have been for some time. I have the kidney issue under control. I am working back at my shop. Now for the issues.
1. The molds for the first 3 figs. Pythona,2 snipers and the Billy are all no good. I have to make new molds.
2. Jared has some parts to make some figures, but not complete the list of everybody who ordered, so I have to get with him and see what we need, and what I need to make.
3. All my rubber and plastic has gone bad, I mean I can cast and use some of the plastic, but its not what I would want to send out. This stuff doesn't age good when left sitting, it really does have a short life span.
4. I am so broke its not funny, and mostly why I have had no update. I can do anything to fix a problem when I don't have the means to fix it. I have time, and my health is better, I don't have the funds to get it back off the ground. With everything I went thru and how much it cost me, its going to have me buried for some time longer. And this would mean I cant give refunds.
To be honest I don't want to refund, I want everybody to get the awesome sculpts and enjoy the figures.
I talked to Aly, and I have talked with Nova, both are willing to help with the mold and cast work, I have to figure out the best way for them to help and not cost them any money. i really need rubber, which is going to cost me about 200.00 to get done what i need to get done.
If anybody wants to help, that would be great. I dont plan on anybody jumping on that one, but I am putting it out there. If you do however pm me.
second very important issue is the arms. The way I had to go about them, is all cast plastic. Nova has another option and would make the figures much more playable, and should stand up the test of time. The man has rivets or at least access to make rivets work. Some time next week, Brian ( Nova ) and I will be sitting down to talk and plan how to get this project back up and running, and finish it.
I really don't have anything else I can say at this time. I have said sorry so many times, its not worth saying again. Like i said before this was not done on purpose and i sure in hell didn't ask to get sick. I will begin to post on a weekly basis with pics of figures, parts and the molds, so all can see the process. I would have done this before, but Slayer kept me way to busy. With Slayer dead, closed and gone for good, it now gives me the time to try and do what I can to fix this, and make right in somebody's eyes.
I have tried to explain the best I can, and hope all will understand,I will make this right. I will update this thread again if there are questions, also after I talk with Brian I will better know how to handle this.
Thanks for the time,