I've been looking through a lot of my old figures and accessories tyring to reincorporate stuff that was previously thought to be useless.
Heavy Duty's head fit surprisingly well on POC Sky Dive. Without the cumbersome flight/jump gear he can hold a heavy machine gun, or a mini-gun in a fashionable way.
25th Airborne's body did not age well, nor fit in with the new stuff all that well. I decided to take his head and helmet and put it on the new Retaliation Airborne body (an unoriginal concept). POC Snow Job was kind of useless with the big jacket on, and he looked dumb without it. POC Low Light couldn't hold weapons while wearing his jacket either. Since my Low Light is now using POC Beach Head's body, I decided to put Snow Job's head on Low Light's body.
I use to think that POC Snow Job's gun was impossible for 1:18 scale figures to use, but when you remove the restrictive body armor on Mouse and swap it out with better web gear, his possibility options are substantially increased. He's one of the best figures I ever had. I also decided to use the new Retaliation Colton figure to body swap with POC Recondo, who was always looking down, and place Colton's head on the POC/Retaliation Snake Eyes body, and give him Crossbones tactical vest.