Yes, but DG Trooper's are doused in paint, where as the PoC/30th aren't.
Jesse casts that head as well I believe.
OK - any non-25th puny Cobra Trooper heads. Don't want the helmet.
I appreciate all your help!
Would the DG Cobra Trooper heads work?
Sorry, I didn't see the earlier comments.
Slay, let me look tonight, I think I have a few of those. I can finally help YOU out!
Trying to get my hands on:
Roc Neo viper heads
I should have a few of these for you. I'll check tonight.
That would be great!
That would be great!
Does anybody have an extra Roc Flash vest? Really need one for a commission
That's likely to be a rarer part MM...
I thought Ragin Spoon had them but I was wrong.
Does anybody have an extra Roc Flash vest? Really need one for a commission
Anyone know if 30th Airtight's tank was released elsewhere? I want to put an oxygen tank in my Schleich plane but maybe I'd be better off using the bottle from Blowtorch?
I don't recall...what about one of the ones from 25th Torch...they pop out of the backpack don't they?
So, recent geopolitical events have gotten my cold war juices flowing. As a result, I ask... do any of the casting experts offer a Putin head? I've got a SDCC destro pin-striped suit in need of a ruthless KGB despot's head.
So, recent geopolitical events have gotten my cold war juices flowing. As a result, I ask... do any of the casting experts offer a Putin head? I've got a SDCC destro pin-striped suit in need of a ruthless KGB despot's head.
So, recent geopolitical events have gotten my cold war juices flowing. As a result, I ask... do any of the casting experts offer a Putin head? I've got a SDCC destro pin-striped suit in need of a ruthless KGB despot's head.